|F O U R T Y-T W O|

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(Alex's point of view)

(Mario has added Cat, you, Julian, Jovani, and Courtney to this group chat)

Mario- You all BETTER NOT be busy (Alex if you are, take you're time honey❤️😊) because we HAVE TO talk.

Julian- If this is about me dating you're extremely hot sister, then I know I know. We won't do anything bad.

Jovani- I'm laughing so much at the "Alex if you are, take you're time honey❤️😊" part😂

Courtney- hey. Oh hi Jovani😌

Jovani- hey😏


Jovani- we won't we won't.

Courtney- Yea we won't. For now..

Jovani- oh really..

(Mario has removed Courtney and Jovani from group chat.)

(Cat has named the group chat, "Julian's Jawline.")

(Julian has named the group chat "Mario is salty.")

(Mario named the group chat Marlex.)

Cat- what did you want Mario?

Julian- yea man. What's up?

Mario- I know you joke around and everything often Julian but this is my sister you're dating. And please don't lay a single finger on her until you're 97.

Julian- I won't I promise.

Cat- I wont let him

Mario- I'm being serious you two

Julian- I wont Mario. C'mon man, you know the real me. I would never...I'm not like Jovani.


(Mario has removed Cat and Julian from group chat.)

Mario- Hey Gorgeous. I'm sorry you had to wake up with all that.😔💙

Alex- Don't apologize Mario. You being protective is adorable.💕😊

Mario- aww thanks😂❤️

Mario- I know we saw each other yesterday, but I miss you so much.😭❤️

Alex- I miss you too, and a lot.😭😭

Mario- Is there any way you could possibly come over today?

Alex- hang on, let me ask.😉

(4 minutes later)

Alex- Yes, my mom said it's fine with her.

Mario- YAY. I'm so excited to see you.❤️❤️

Alex- I can't wait to see you either.

(7 hours later)

Alex- I'm here😊

Mario- Alright, I'm coming outside.❤️️

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