|T H I R T Y-S I X|

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Julian fell asleep really quickly. And Mario and I started to hear some really weird sounds coming from Jovani and Courtney.

We tried not to pay attention, but it was extremely loud.

Movie ended-

Once the movie ended, Mario and I walked out together, but first we had to shake Julian to wake him up.

"HUH WHAT. YES MOM, I DO WANT THE BROCCOLI!" He yelled when he woke up.

The look Mario gave him, again, was impossible to describe, but still very cute.

We walked out with Julian, and of course Mario and I. Although, we didn't even bother to get Jovani.

"Im going to go get Jovani." Julian said.

"You may not want to do that." Mario said with a disgusted face.

"Why not?" Julian asked.

"World knows what that boy is doing in there. Surely not watching the movie." Mario said.

An hour and 53 minutes later-

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy." Jovani said, coming out of the theater.

"Had fun?" Julian asked.

"Can't say. It's a secret." Jovani said with a wink.

"Oh no, I think we could tell by the sounds that you were having tons of fun." Julian said.

Jovani just rolled his eyes.

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