"Hinata.. You're late?" Suga said, although it came out as more of a question.

Hinata was never late. Never. He was always at least ten minutes early, not ten minutes late.

"S-sorry. My alarm just didn't go off." Hinata lied through his teeth. He had become accustomed to lying, it was easy. All he had to do was say 'I'm fine' and no one would suspect a thing.

"Okay.." Suga said, still suspicious. Hinata added a bright smile for affect, which seemed to put his senior at ease.

"Oi, dumbass, I beat you!" Kageyama yelled at the bright haired boy. Hinata didn't have a reply, he just walked off to the practice room to get changed. Kageyama was confused, but he just assumed Hinata was tired. It hurt less when he made assumptions, right? Humans always enjoyed taking the easy way out, and assuming Hinata was fine was definitely the easy way.

But was it the right way?

☼Goodbye, Sunshine☼【 Kagehina 】Where stories live. Discover now