Kageyama Tobio

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Dear Kageyama,
Oh god. This ones gonna be hard to write. I'm tearing up already. Look, before I start, let me tell you the truth. I never wanted you to be my friend.

I wanted you to be so much more than a friend.

You were the epitome of perfection in my eyes. When you told me you loved me I would've given anything to just tackle you in a hug and forget all of my sorrows.

You were an amazing player, you're sets were perfect. It made me feel like I finally had power when I hit your sets. Like I'm on top of the world. The feeling of the ball against my palm made my heart race and my mind explode.

That's the same feeling I got whenever I was around you. Sure, there were times when you were mean to me, but that didn't stop me from being head over heels in love with you. Your icy eyes and raven colored hair drew me in and you're smile, although rare, was beautiful. I wish I could've spent an eternity with you rather than this short year.

I'll miss you more than anyone else.

Hinata Shōyo

☼Goodbye, Sunshine☼【 Kagehina 】Where stories live. Discover now