Asahi Azumane

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Dear Asahi,

I was always so bent on beating you that I never really took the time to get to know you as a person. I really do regret that. I know that you were very kind and caring. Thoughtful and caring although intimidating. But, I never got to know more. I really respect you as an ace and as my teammate. You're playing is amazing and your spikes are so powerful. You've always impressed me.

Hinata Shōyo

Dear reader,
So, Lafayette is safe and sound, as is my brother. But, I had something else I wanted to say.
So, guess who decided to start another project just so she could put off the work that she has to do????
If you guessed Chihiro then you're right.
So, I was wondering:
When I'm done with this fic do you want me to update my Kenhina or my iwaoi fic? I'll give you some info abt them so it's easier to choose.
Letters // Iwaoi

Oikawa has never been specifically good at writing, but this was something he felt like he needed to do.

It was a way to get his feelings out without anyone knowing, sort of like a diary. So, he'd write letters in hopes no one would find them.

Then, there's the Kuroken fic
Royalty Kuroken

Motivated forgetting:

A theorized psychological behavior where people forget unwanted memories.

But why would I forget when all I want is to remember?

Okay, so they're both really angsty cuz I'm really angsty. Alsooooo Royalty includes really crappy fight scenes cuz i fuccing suck at writing fight scenes but it seemed like a good idea at three am

Also I just found out that there's a character named Chihiro in spirited away so imma check that out.

Sorry for the long A/N


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