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The entire team went to the funeral. And so did Hinata's mother. And his sister.

But not his father.

Every team member went up and spoke a small paragraph they had written about Hinata.

It started out with Hinata's mother and sister going up to speak.

"I'm sorry that you all had to go through this. Shōyo was always a good kid, happy and bubbly. I must have been too busy to notice. I should've taken the time to pay more attention to him. He will be missed."

Then Natsu tugged on the sleeve of her mothers dress.

"Mama! Mama! I wanna speak."

Hinata's mother nodded and she lifted the little girl up so she could reach the microphone.

"I hope Shōyo wakes up soon! He must be really tired. I'm excited to play with him again, i really miss him!"

The little girl had good intentions, but she broke everyone's hearts with her sweet words. Her mother brought her back down and led her to her seat, as Daichi and Suga took the stand.

Eventually, everyone on the team had spoken. Except for Kageyama. He went up, nervously tugging at his sleeve.

"H-hello. I know you were all very important to Hinata, and he was very important to all of you. I miss him greatly, he was so sweet. Always happy. He helped everyone when they were feeling sad. He was like the sun. Something necessary for me to live. Bright and warm. I heard once that the sun was going to destroy us in 6 billion years. They were wrong. The sun destroyed us the day Hinata died. He'll always hold a special place in my heart. And I miss him."

Kageyama let a tear fall as he finished. He took his seat and one by one everyone got to see Hinata in his casket

Hinata's family couldn't bare doing anything to Hinata. They didn't want to touch him. It was too much for them. So, he wore what he was wearing when he died.

Black shorts and a white t-shirt with the words "fly" written on them. His arms were adorned with cuts and his hair flew out in every direction.

Kageyama had remembered making those shirts with Hinata.

Novels always romanticized death. But, this wasn't a novel. This was real. Hinata didn't look beautiful. His mouth was curved into a frown and tear stains were visible on his checks. He looked scared, like he had regretted his decision. He never wanted to die, but he didn't want to burden anyone. He didn't die for some greater purpose like he had thought. In fact, his death didn't help anyone. It hurt them.


Kageyama had stayed in the graveyard after the burial. Just staring at the grave.

He was still in shock. He didn't want to accept it.

But finally he stood up, and took one final glance at the stone. Then it hit him. It really hit him. Like a volleyball to the face.

Hinata isn't here anymore. He won't get to toss to Hinata anymore. He won't get to see his bright smile or beautiful eyes. He would never get to hug Hinata or feel his soft lips on his own. He wouldn't be able to do anything with Hinata ever again.

Hinata was gone.

And Kageyama was angry. Angry at the world for taking away Hinata. His Hinata. Why had he been treated so unfairly. He would've given anything to have Hinata back. Even his own life. But that wouldn't work. And the thought that Hinata was gone not only angered him, but saddened him.

☼Goodbye, Sunshine☼【 Kagehina 】Where stories live. Discover now