Tsukishima Kei

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Dear Tsukishima,

You were always kinda mean to me, but I like to think you were just hiding your emotions. I'm sure you're a kind person, but you should be nicer. You never know when those you care about will leave you. You should apologize to Kageyama, you were really mean to him. But, deep down, I like to believe you're a great person. You were a great player and I was always amazed by your height. Thanks for being my teammate!

Hinata Shōyo

Dear reader,
HOLY SHIT I KNOW I UPDATE A LOT BUT I REALLY FELT THE NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING WITH YOU. So, I know no one I know personally has even the slightest idea of what wattpad is, so I could share this discreetly. I'm so proud of my brother!! I'm so happy for him!! Ahh I just wanna hug him. So here, I'll tell you what happened:

My younger brother, Keiji (i know he has the same first name as Akaashi I love him sm for that), just had his friend over. His friend left like thirty minutes ago and Keiji came up to my room and knocked on my door and was all like "Chihiro r u in there??" And I was all like "yeah fam what do you want I'm tryna watch spirited away" ((okay it wasn't actually exactly like that but u get the gist)) and Keiji came in and made sure that I was in there alone and then closed the door and said "Chihiro, you're my favorite sibling and I think I can trust you so I want to tell you something." And I was like "okay go for it." And he goes "I think I have a crush." And I was just like "Okay cool." But he got really serious and quiet and said "But I have a crush on [his friend that was just over]" ((Sorry @ Keiji's friend I forgot your name)) and I was just so happy that he could trust me with such a big secret cuz my step dad isn't the biggest supporter of gay ppl and I was like "Oml Keiji that's so sweet you should ask him out" and now Keiji is gonna confess his love to his friend and in so excited!!! good luck Keiji!!!

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