After alternate ending

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Hinata nuzzled his head into Kageyama's chest, holding onto him tight.

He loved being snuggled up next to Kageyama like this, and he never wanted to leave. He made Hinata feel so genuinely happy. He made him feel safe from the world.

"I love you Shōyo." Kageyama said to Hinata, wrapping his arms around him tighter.

"I love you too Kags."

The pair were about to fall asleep on the warm bed when Hinata's phone rang.

Hinata groaned as he separated from Kageyama to grab his phone.


"Hello Shōyo, I've missed you. When are you visiting?"

"Ma, I'm a college student. I don't have time to visit."

"Okay, I know. But, you'll never guessed what finally happened."

Hinata tried to recall if his mother had been waiting for something, but couldn't think of anything. What could she be so excited for?

"What happened?"

"You're father is locked up. He can't hurt us anymore."

Hinata gasped and smiled brightly. "Thank you so much ma."

"Okay, goodnight sweetie." Hinata's mother said into the phone as Hinata smiled and gave a small "goodnight" in response.

When he turned around Kageyama could feel a new, happier aura surrounding Hinata.

"What's got you so excited?" Kageyama asked playfully.

"They finally jailed him." Hinata said happily towards Kageyama.

Kageyama smiled too. He knew how much pain Hinata's father had caused him. He was so glad he was finally gone.

"I'm so happy for you Shōyo."

Hinata just snuggled up closer to Kageyama, all of his worries disappearing.

Hinata remembered how happy he had been when his mother told him they were moving out, away from the drunken idiot he called a father. The way he felt now was not even comparable to that. It was so much better. And finally, Hinata could live in peace. He could live a happy life, with his amazing boyfriend and his family by his side.

Dear readers,
Yay! I've completed my first story! My new fic is up and it's called Royals. It's a kuroken fanfic and I'm really nervous about it because it's the first story I'm publishing without having it 100% done beforehand. Also, I forgot the English word for Ma/mom and I called my girlfriend to ask, but I accidentally said dad and she looked me dead in the eyes and said, "daddy." And I just whispered, "Kinky." And hung up

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