Kiyoko Shimizu

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Dear Kiyoko,

You were very kind and soft spoken. You're beautiful and thoughtful. Overall, you're an amazing person and should be more confident. I regret not being able to speak to you as much as I wanted, and I'll miss you. I wish you luck after highschool and hope you lead an enjoyable life. Goodbye.

Hinata Shōyo

Dear reader,
Hey!!! Hi!!!! Howdy!!! (I just learned what howdy meant yesterday I'm going to use it all the time now :-)) So, I came here to say that as I finish up editing the last chapters of this story I'm working on my next one. It's called Royalty and it's a kuroken fic (cause I'm Kuroken trash) But, back to the main point: I was trying to say that I've been going through some writers block with Royalty, and it's definitely not good. So, updates for Royalty (when it comes out) are gonna be less frequent and the chapters will be shorter + worse.

P.S. When writing in English, after ending a quote do you use a period.
Like would it go like this:
"Random quote."
Or this:
"Harambe is a dead meme.".
Or this

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