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Once the door was open, they saw nothing.

The room was dark, the lights were off and the shades drawn.

"Dad?" A scared, weak voice said. "I swear I did my homework."

"Hinata?" Kageyama questioned as Tsukishima turned on the lights. Hinata let out a little yelp and curled into a small ball as soon as the lights turned on.

It was worse then they thought. Hinata's room was a mess. There were papers thrown everywhere, random trash and clothes scattered across the floor. The only organized thing was a small bag in the corner of the room, which the team assumed to be a backpack.

Their eyes quickly shifted to the boy. His skin was pale and he had lost an unhealthy amount of weight. His head was in his knees and he was shaking violently. His orange hair was a mess. This was not the Hinata Shōyo that Kageyama knew. This was a shell of his former self, one that appeared to be a lost child when compared to Hinata.

"Shōyo.. It's us." Suga said softly, his words always calmed others. But this time, it was no use.

Hinata slowly rose his head to face his team, and oh god they were shocked.

His eyes had deep bags under them, as though he hadn't slept in years. His lips trembled and there was some blood dripping from his nose. He had a bruise on his chin and a black eye. The team could see how worse he had gotten.

Who did this to him?

That was the only thought that crossed Kageyama's mind. He needed to help the boy. But he didn't know how.

"Get out." Hinata said, coldly. And in that moment, he felt powerless. He knew the couldn't force them to leave, he could barely move without feeling pain. His father had just left after a large outburst. Hinata had just lost any respect he had left for his father.

"Hinata, please give us a chance," Suga started, only to get cut off by Hinata.

"I don't need your pity, just leave." He said sharply. His eyes narrowed in anger.

"Hinata, were trying to help!" Tsukishima said angrily. "We can't help you if you won't accept us!"

"Tsukki.." Yamaguchi said softly as he reached out to touch Tsukishima's shoulder. "No! I'm done with this!" Tsukishima shouted as he swatted away Yamaguchi's hand. "I'm done with us being harmed because of Hinata. It's so frustrating! If he doesn't want our help then why should we offer it?"

The blonde by stormed off. "I should go after him." Yamaguchi said quietly as he chased the boy.

One by one, the team members went away, feeling powerless, as though they couldn't help Hinata.

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