Alternate ending

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Beep beep. Beep beep.

There was a constant, steady beep coming from a machine next to Hinata's hospital bed. The only other noise in the room was his and another boys heavy breathing.

Hinata tossed and turned in his sleep, stuck in a nightmare. In his dream he was chained down in a dark room, surrounded by people. All of them were people he cared about, and he had to watch as they suffered painful deaths.

Finally, after suffering through all of them, he was left with one person. Kageyama Tobio.

Hinata sniffles and looked in Kageyama's eyes.

"Please don't take him." He pleaded to whatever it was that was destroying his friends.

Kageyama slowly walked up to him. His ice cold eyes looked into Hinata's golden brown ones.

"This is your fault. I hate you." Kageyama said coldly, the words cutting deeper than any knife could have. Kageyama was slowly dragged away, and Hinata watched as his friend met a rather gruesome demise.

Hinata was left there to wallow in his own distress as Kageyama's words filled his ears.

"This is your fault."

"I hate you."

Hinata screamed and sat up swiftly, he couldn't deal with those words anymore. He was breathing heavily as he looked around the room. Where was he? Why was he alive?

Finally he turned and faced the one person who he loved the most. Kageyama Tobio was staring at Hinata, his eyes wide.

He had waited at the hospital all night. Two nights actually. As soon as he heard about Hinata's situation he ran straight to the hospital and refused to leave.

"Hinata." Kageyama finally breathed out, breaking the silence that once consumed them. "You're awake."

"I'm.. Awake?" Hinata said, although it came out more like a question. "Why am I alive?"

Kageyama got up and hugged Hinata.

"It must be a sign that you need to stay on this earth. If not for yourself for your mother, for Natsu, for me." Kageyama whispered into Hinata's ear as he squeezed him tight.

"But why would I need to stay on earth for any of you. All I do is ruin people's lives."

"No Hinata. You make our lives brighter. Whether you accept it or not, we love you."

Kageyama pulled back to watch Hinata's reaction. His eyes were wide and he looked confused.

People... liked Hinata?

This was all too much. The teams support, Kageyama's confession, and lastly this. It broke down the walls surrounding his heart. He would accept this, even if it was fake. All he could do is hope they wouldn't turn on him like his father had.

Hinata hugged Kageyama, pulling him in tight.

"I love you too." He said, sniffling into the younger boys shoulder. "I love you so much. I wish I told you the first time you told me. I didn't want to die. I was scared."

Kageyama started tearing up. He pulled back from the hug once again and looked Hinata in the eyes.

"Do you want me to call your mother or the team?"

"Call the team please. I love my mother so much, but I need to apologize to the team, or I fear they'll never forgive me." Hinata said.

"Okay." Kageyama said as he grabbed his phone and dialed Suga's number. He knew Suga would be able to get the entire team to come.

"Hinata just woke up." He said into the phone, as Suga replied with something that Hinata couldn't hear.

"They're on their way." Kageyama said as he grabbed the short boys hand.

"Thank you so much Kageyama." Hinata spoke softly, resting his head on Kageyama's shoulder.


By the time the whole team arrived, Hinata had fallen asleep.

"Kageyama. I thought you said he was awake." Suga said with a giggle. Kageyama smiled and poked Hinata's nose.

Hinata opened his eyes wide and blinked several times as he tried to remember where he was.

His face reddened as he looked at his teammates.

"Sorry..." Hinata said as he played with the hem of his shirt, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"Shōyo," Kageyama said as he grabbed Hinata's chin and made him look into the younger boys eyes. "Look at them."

Hinata gulped, and he looked up at his teammates. He looked into all of their eyes, all of which showed either relief or concern.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

Tanaka and Noya were the first to show any sort of response.

"It's okay! We hope you're back to normal again!" They said in unison as they bounced up to Hinata.

Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita all smiled at the small boy and Asahi came up and gave him a pat on the back.

Yamaguchi smiled at him, but pouted as soon as he saw Tsukishima still angry.

"I'm still not forgiving you short stack." Tsukishima said, although on the inside he desperately wanted to.

"You tell him Tsukki." Yamaguchi said as he shot Hinata a pitiful glance.

Soon enough, Daichi appeared behind the two with a horrifying aura.

"Do you two want to stay on the team?" He asked thewateningly.

The boys immediately stiffen up and look at Hinata.

"I forgive you." Tsukishima said reluctantly.

"Yeah, we forgive you!" Yamaguchi shouted.

Hinata giggled at the two as Daichi and Suga smiled. The team all pulled Hinata into a hug and everyone shared the happy moment. Finally, they could be at peace.

"Does this mean you're back on the team?" Kageyama asked.

"Yes. Everything is back to normal." Hinata sniffled. He was so glad everyone was being so kind to him, especially after how rude he was.

He knew it would be hard to go back to his old self, especially with his father still out of control, but he'll try his best. For his team.

Dear reader,
Hey hi hello!!!!! Just fyi there's only one chapter left after this!!! I'm so glad I finished my first story!!! Okay, but now I have a story.

So, you remember Keiji( my brother not Akaashi) and how he had a crush?? Okay, so before we start I need to describe Keiji. He's like this smol adorable precious child who's nice and shy and sweet. He's scared of a bunch of things, especially people. So had to push him to confess and he said he would. Then, after he got home he went to his room with someone and I didn't know who so I just forgot about it. But then I had to go ask Keiji where Aiko (my lil sis) was. So I walked into his room to find him and the kid he liked kissing and I was all like 'he did it' in my head. So, they saw me and immediately like jumped away from each other and turned to me guiltily (is that a word?). And I was just like "oh shit my life lacks drama so tell me about the drama in yours?" And so I found out Keiji confessed to his friend (who I found it was named Ken) and his friend liked him back. Log story short, my brothers relationship is cuter than mine (jk jk I love my girlfriend but really all we do is talk in memes)

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