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Hinata hadn't been to school in a week. Nothing had been heard from him. Everyone worried. They had tried to visit Hinata again but no one let them in. He hadn't been responding to texts or calls. Nothing.

Everyone was effected. Tsukishima became more irritable, and Yamaguchi felt sadder. Daichi's normal happy aditude had totally dissipated and Suga was no longer filled with hope. Asahi wrote sad things in his journal, but appeared to be fine on the outside. And although she already barely talked, Kiyoko barely even tried to hold up a conversation anymore. Yachi was so worried. Kazuhito, together with Ennoshita and Hisashi left the team again, as they couldn't handle the mood. Coach Ukai and Takeda sensei were barely holding up their positions as coaches. Without anyone to mess around with them, Nishinoya and Tanaka became bland and sad. No one was doing well.

Kageyama was doing horrible. He hadn't slept in days, missed practice, skipped meals and lost interest in everything. Although it seemed like Kageyama didn't like Hinata, he really did. More than anyone else. And Hinata, although to shy to admit it, reciprocated the feeling.

And finally, just as it seemed all hope was lost, Hinata returned. Although he didn't come to volleyball. Why would he after he quit? The team still tried their best to comfort him.

And Hinata didn't leave after that. He may have needed a break, but he didn't take one. He stayed in school for a month straight. He had successfully made it through March.

Then April.

And finally, the day came. May 1st. The day the Sakura trees began to bloom. The day the sun shined brightly and flowers bloomed.

The day Kageyama would confess to Hinata. Hinata was sitting on a bench outside of the school, drinking some water.

"Hey." Kageyama said when he found the boy as he attempted to hide his anxiousness.

Hinata responded with a 'hmph' and drank more milk.

"Look Hinata, I wasn't going to say this, but I feel like you need to hear. Just know that the team cares for you. And they love you. And most of all, I-" Kageyama stuttered, frightened of the older boys response.

"I love you."

Hinata's eyes widened and he turned to Kageyama. He wanted so badly to just jump into Kageyamas arms and cry. He wanted to let it all out and tell Kageyama that he loved him to. He just wanted to be happy.

But he wasn't going to be weak. He needed to be strong so he wouldn't burden Kageyama or the rest of the team.

So Hinata's empty eyes narrowed and he scowled. If looks could kill, Kageyama would be 6 feet under.

"I don't need your pity and false love Kageyama. I'm doing fine on my own."

☼Goodbye, Sunshine☼【 Kagehina 】Where stories live. Discover now