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I woke up to the loud noise of my damn alarm. I hate Monday mornings and everybody does . I sigh thinking I've only got 1 hour to get ready and reach at my working place that happens to be a small cafe.

I get up from my bed and head towards my bathroom that is connected to my room. I moved out because my father is quite rich and wouldn't let me do what I want so I just wanted to do something in my life, so I won't be dependent . I finished bathing and saw I've got 30 mins and picked out a crop top which is off-white and a little see through and started putting make up on , eye liner and lip gloss and a little bit of mascara and headed down to my kitchen in my apartment and make some cereals and quickly ate them and put my used dishes in the sink and headed out of the house and locked my apartment and then start my walk to the cafe. Walking at the side of the road I got the vibe that something's gonna happen today and it would least interest me .

I reached at the cafe and met my co-worker Melanie. She has blonde hair till middle back and has pretty light blue eyes unlike mine which are dull brown. She's tall and skinny and she is reallya good listener, she has helped me with a lot of problems that were there in my life. I greeted her and she replied with a warm smile.
"How 're you doin' today"I asked

"just fine and yourself?" She answered.

" I am fine too, hey I'm going to change in working uniform and please can I today do the register?" i asked  her.

It's been 5 hours of me  working non-stop and I'm really exhausted. Today was a busy day and I've to work 4 more hours it's winter and it gets pretty dark in London to walk through cities and it is pretty scary.

I finished my shift and locked the shop cause it was my turn today and i  know how much  tired I am right now and my essential need right now is my warm bed and my soft comforter just thinking of it got me smiling . I'm a bit scared of dark as I have phobia of darkness though it isn't that bad, I can walk and roam around the streets if I keep myself a little busy.

I fiddled around in my bag and got out my earphones and my phone and put it on shuffle and the first song comes 'i know I can treat you better' oh how I love the singer's voice and start ed humming the. I was relaxed because of the songs playing.

After 15  minutes walk I reached at my apartment and unlocked the door, I fell face forward on my couch then I remembered that I've to change in pajamas . I went to my room is not big but is not small just cosy and decent sized . I changed inti my night wear which included tank top and my fuzzy pjs and checked my phone's for any messages or calls before calling it a night.

I saw one notification that was from my friend Danielle but she rarely messages me due to some unknown reason but she wouldn't tell me, alright enough of thinking to myself. I might be going insane.

*d for Danielle and b for belle*
D-heyo girl!
B- hi dany
D- hey I just wanted to ask if I could move into your apartment because we rarely see each other and I want to change my current place as its not suiting or rather I might add that I miss you!

B- HAHA, so after living for years in that place you realize now that you are not comfortable with it?! I can't stop laughing and, yeah my bestie you can move in with me, you're allowed here with open arms  and I've  work tomorrow, so I would call it a night and text me when you would like to come here. Byee:)

D-I'll move in tomorrow If u don't mind and I don't think if you will mind then also I'll crash there tommorrow haha just joking! byee and sweet dreams.

After replying her a bye i knew something bad is gonna happen  *huff*i switched my phone off and put it on charging. I snuggled in my comforter and before I knew it sleep took over me after a minute.


Hey guys it's my first story and a first chapter * off course you stupid * okay!! please vote and comment .

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