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I woke by my alarm blaring through all the house feeling really like i am in a dessert even though its winter. I felt nauseous. I got up from the bed and i felt like i would faint right there but i started making my way downstairs but i got disbalanced and i fell before i knew i rolled down till the last step and heard footsteps of someone coming. Before darkness consumed me i heard someone calling my name and dialing someone's phone and then i saw all black.

I woke up feeling like someone was putting a warm wet cloth on my forehead and someone was layed beside me with there arm draped on my waist.

I opened my eyes then regretted it because the lights in the room blinded me. " belle oh my god. You scared me. How are you feeling" ranted dany i smiled "feeling better but what happe-" i was cut off by one and only yes you guessed it right harry styles i think he like to interrupt me when i am speaking " how are you feeling?! Do you know how much worried i was?!?" Harry said with his eyes showing concern and a bit anger. " im feeling better and i dont know how worried you were. But despite that i woke up feeling earlier like i cant stand but i thought drinking water would help and when i started descending stairs i lost my balance and rest you know. Im sorry to make both of you worried." I said with a pout then saw camy coming in my room lazily and my lips corner twitched and i was showing a full on grin. He might annoy the hell out of me even fight with me i love him "hey bitchy witchy how are you feeling?!? " he said smiling. Thats why i love my brother he's smiling all the time no matter what. We both got that similar. " im feeling fine teddy beddy" i said teasing him because he wants to be tough but after all he is camy and becomes my teddy beddy.

* after few hours*

I was feeling better and harry has left a few hours ago because his dad called saying he needed to talk about some shit he did in the cafe nearby. I'm really concerned that he would be same after marriage and i don't want my children to be in this gang shit or anything related to it. I decided to take a shower to relax. "Dany. I'm going to shower and don't you dare cook anything because we both know you would burn my house down" i shouted and heard footsteps coming running towards my bedrrom door and 1..........2..........3......... and gate opens revealing monster of the house aka my bestie too. "Shut up bitch. I'm not that bad at cooking but I was not going to cook anything and certainly and won't do ever because you sre there to cook and i dont need my lovely and soft hands to be rough" she said with that smug face and i laughed in her face when i remembered how she burned all her pancakes when i once visited her house "alright but im going to shower" i said calming down "yeah and if you need anything take it yourself" she said and i showed her my oh-so lovely middle finger and ran to bathroom and locked the door.

I took a long warm relaxing shower. I have nothing to do because that son of a- no i would not dare to swear about his mother because she is the best mother in law someone could ask for.

I was really scare then i gotta call from harry. I didn't want to pick it up but if I didn't then i have to face consequences *sighs*.

*Conversation between bell and harry*

" hello babe" said harry.
"Hello why are u calling me now" i said with annoyance
"Actually you need to come with me and I'm gonna announce you as mine today - " i didnt hear after that as i screamed and threw my phone on the wall for it to be crashed to pieces.


Sorry for a short chapter and updating late because my exams are coming. I'll update more and i promise to make my fanfic more good so you enjoy reading it. Again sorry!!!



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