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*Bella's p.o.v. *

This dress was really beautiful but it was not made for me because that dress screamed elegance, royalty and curves and to sadden my mood these things were enough as I did not have any of these.

" you do know anne that this dress is not for me but someone like you, mum or someone with curves". I sighed knowing that Harry had sent her with this dress then I had to wear it.

" darling, listen you are the most beautiful, sexy, and have the right curves to wear this dress without any remorse. So get your lazy and move into the bathroom and get changed really fast because I know Harry will be here before time" that's why I could never hate this person. I love the way she talks to me as if I'm her own daughter rather than daughter-in-law.

I got up with most beautiful dress that I've ever seen. It was a mesmerising jet black colour it screamed a lot of money. It was made out of pure silk and had long sleeves wich were sheer lace which gave it a royal look and to complete it there were sequins embroidered into the full corset area. There was a pattern made out of it and from what I guessed was that it somewhat kinda looked like a crown. The neckline was a sweetheart neckline but it wasn't too deep because everyone knew how Harry gets when I wear these type of cloths and to be honest it somewhat gave me relief that someone could protect me. The dress was floor length and was flowy. It was something that I could only dream of.

I opened the bathroom's door and stepped inside and decided not to lock it incase my fat body denied to enter this beautiful piece of art.

I undressed myself from my baggy comfortable clothes. To my utter suprise the dress fitted me perfectly and it gave me a new feeling. In the mirror of my bathroom there was another person than me but it was girl in the same dress as me and looking at me with suprise and then I realised that this beautiful creature was myself.

First my makeup was done beautifully by Anne and now this dress and I should thank Anne for this lovely dress.

I stepped outside and heard two gasps in a row and immediately looked at two older women who had their mouth hung open. I smiled at their expressions and did a little twirl to which they both squealed. If anybody have seen their expression then they might have thought that I am their friend who is going on her first date because no one is capable enough to  tell their real age until asked or when they introduce us as their children.

" oh my god. My baby has grown up. I can't......." she said with teary I eyes to which I frowned.

" hey old lady no need to cry and waste all the make up you have and  all the struggle you put their" i said pointing a finger at her with a serious face.  After a second I could not hold my laughter and bursted out. To which Anne joined and mum looked like a deer caught in the red light.

"What?!??" She asked with confusion written on her face.

" dumbass. we are making fun of you!!!" Said Anne to my mum who had a smile on her face just because she got her confusion solved out.

I never realised that my room door was closed until there was a beautiful girl standing there. This time there was no mirror but DANI.

" oh my gosh. You look so beautiful-" i was interrupted as always.

"Don't start you Bitch. You are the one who looks so hot,beautiful and sexy that if I was a boy then I would have literally had my way with you. " my eyes widened at her. I never wanted to cover myself as much I wanted to today.

"Why do I feel the need of a bodyguard. I am seriously going to take that serious because it was some serious shit that had to be taken serious before it turns into something serious. This serious problem should be solved." I rambled on in a joking manner to which everyone laughed.

We were all ready to be escorted it was just that our escorts were not here yet so we all decided to sit in our living room and watch dome t.v.

"Darling, why do you have do you less channels" my mum asked.

"Because harry did not want me watching News channels" i said while looking at the cartoon channel the one of the channels I was allowed. Apparently there was no mood in the air for movies so we settled on with Tom&Jerry. After a while we were all laughing hard at the antics of Jerry.

We heard a door bell ring and Anne decided to open it.


Heya!!! How are you all?!? Actually wattpad is being a bitch to me and wont let me write in normal font.

Thats why Im late in update!!! But leave it like that cuz I think I would write as the way it is until it gets better.

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WORDS: 896


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