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It was really bad day for me today cuz i woke up late and got late for work then got to listen to my boss and now I'm working here from past 4 hours.

The bell rang of the shop indicating someone was coming. I stood up from my seat and saw that harry was coming with liam and three unknown guys but i gotta know they might be his gang member.

I didnt want to deal with harry or anybody right now i was already pissed from this morning.

When harry looked forward i saw that he was grinning like and idiot.

"My my i think god is with me today. cuz today i got to know that our wedding is in these 2 months and now my beautiful fiancée works in a coffee shop where i wanted to call u and tell u to come and meet me so we could talk" he said grinning and i stood there with wide eyed that must have looked like they would come out any time.

"What the hell are u talking. Harry u know what i should talk to u-" i was interrupted by my boss as he got to know that i was not doing my job but talking with customers by that fucking whore named as jeniffer. She had always that hating aura when i even tried to talk to her. "Why the hell are u talking to ur customers and u r making other customers wait-" he was cut off by harry holding him by his shirt in the air " how dare u even shout at my fiancée u little piece of a shit??!!!" Harry was shouting in his face and i was scared out of my head right now but i have to calm down harry so i stepped up beside harry "harry leave him right now. " harry throwed him on the floor. My boss started coughing and i said other workers to bring water for him. After my boss drank water " sorry it would not happen again sir". "U dont need to apologise sir its my fault i should be the one sayi-" i started apologising but cut off again what is with people interrupting me when i m talking these past days " u r not going to apologise when u r my fiancée as I'm the most feared guy on this planet then why would u apologize?!?? U know what u r leaving this job right now and we are going to another shop to have our conversation but why do u need a job if u r the second richest daughter in this world!??! " he finished his angry rant and was breathing loudly " cuz I couldn't do the things i wanted to do everywhere i go my bodyguards would be there even when i went to school they would be standing out of my class. I never had a boyfriend i was lonely nobody wanted to talk to me cuz after seeing my bodyguard beat up a boy cuz by mistake he bumped into me that even does not make sense. " i was angry 'till the time finished pouring heart to this beautiful angel who murdered people.  "Say bye to these people we are leaving and now u r gonna get introduced to whole world as mine. Nobody could touch or yell at u after i announce u as mine" he said with no emotion but anger. He took my hand and dragged me out of the counter space "hey belle u left ur bag inside" said ashton he was really sweet guy thats why we had a really good friendship he looked at me with sympathic look "thank u" i said and after that he did the most unexpected thing. He hugged me in front of harry. I returned the hug as i not wanted to be rude. I saw harry clenching his fists by his side and his body was shaking from rage. I pulled away instantly so that harry wont harm ashton. Harry dragged me all the way to his car and slammed me to his car and took hold of my hand " dont u dare touch any other boy other than louis, liam,zayn,niall, ur dad,my dad and ur brother. If i saw u with any boy other than these boy i would kill that boy in front of u. Did u got that?!!!?" He seethed in pure Anger. Which made me shake from fear. He opened  my side of the car door and buckled me up as a small child.  Then he jogged up to his side and we drove in silence as boys came in another car.

I saw that harry parked his car in front of starbucks and started walking to the door. What a jerk!! I opened the door and slammed it. Harry looked behind him and locked his car when i approached him he took hold of my hand led me inside the café.

Everybody got silent as they saw us coming.

I never liked being a center of attraction but mr. Badass would love the fear that the innocent people's eyes hold. Oh wait now beacause of this jerk known as harry i am talking to myself. It aint going right.

A staff member came to us asking what would we like and i gave him a sympathetic smile and told him my usual and harry asked for a latte frappuccino.

After our drinks came harry cleared his throat and "now the main and important convo as you like to say. I already told you because of some reasons the wedding is shifted in two months so as i said earlier being a good fiancée you have to tell the dates of the weddings so i could now have our honeymoon package book and you've got time for today and no bargaining if you have made your mind you are more than welcome to blurt it out" he said with a smug grin that happens to come a lot on his face. "Harry its too early you know that I'm only ninteen and not ready for all this shit that im getting past these days. I dont know what to tell you" i said with only one emotion that i know was very much evident on face stressed out. "If you dont tell me the dates then I'm going to and i would warn about my planning because i do not have patience and especially with whats mine" he said and then after that everything was silent he dropped me home but of course not before stealing a kiss.

I really think i would be hurt one more time like the last time.


Hiya guys!! Too long and here i always write something at the end but never get response. I know nobody reads it but hey i would never let my hope down because there are people who would read all the crap i write in he end. I hope u like my story.


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