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I felt like I was lifted up in someone's arms , I did not care who it was and just snuggled in that person's chest. But once I'm awake no one can lull me to sleep again anytime soon so I opened my eyes and saw angelic face with full plump lips, sharp jawline that could cut through you and forest green eyes in which I could get lost anyt......... hey wait below what fuck u thinking u can't love this man he might have murdered thousands of man. I was shook away from my thoughts as I felt Harry's chest vibrate "if ur awake then I can walk urself if I want but I'm comfortable u know... I don't want u to say that I took advantage of carrying u bridle style" he said while chuckling. I signed in annoyance "stop and put me down right now" I said In a stern voice  "okay if I want" he let his hands by his suse as I fell to the floor and I groaned in pain as I heard laughter in the house being echoed and my best friend was laughing too.... oh wait that hitch my brother is also laughing . I Will also take revenge and I'm going to take and they will be in pain and I will be laughing my ads off. "I'm going to take revenge" I seethed because of the pain that was shooting in every inch of my body then camy and dany stood there shocked and froxen and when Harry realized their state "why are u both standing there looking like I saw a ghost" said Harry chuckling and dany was the firat to recover from her state "don't take bels threat easily cuz she is the one I should be afraid of. When she wants revenge then I can't go out  " said dany with fear and I smirked but Harry agin took it ligirly and was chuckling this annoyed the single inch of my body and I stood up with the help of nearest thing I saw and that was a table that we had for keys. Harry came towards me and "I love it cuz everyone should be feared of both of us as we are wife and husband" he said he knew he was annoying me "not yet and don't think I love u and I'm going to do it in future. No there will never be love" I snapped at him and he knew hit the right nerve and before he could say anything I went into my room and changed into comfy clothes that contained my Mickey mouse shirt that I bought from paris Disneyland and pjs with fur because of the temperature and a pair of socks. I then went downstairs after i took my phone from my bed and went down "hey guys if u want you just go and refresh yourselves and then we can watch a movie or 2" i suggested . I got yeah or that's what i was thinking of. "Oh yeah after we are all freshened up then i would propose belle" harry announced and got nods from everyone but from me.

Everybody came downstairs and harry got on his knees "you belle eliza watson will give me the honor of being the happiest man on this earth alive by marrying me(don't judge me on this cuz i dont know how to write) "he said and i was heartbroken cuz i thought i would marry someone i love but life is not in our hands. He didn't wait for my answer and slid the ring and i flinched just imagining my heck of a life. I don't have a say in this if i had i would leave harry but sometimes i think if he wasn't  a criminal then i would fancy him but who am i kidding. There was clapping in the background and harry had his stupud annoying bitchy smirk. Oh yeah...... I'm going to take my revenge because what this bitch did to me . "Lets watch a movie" dany suggested after she saw my face that was frowning "yeah" me , camy and harry said at the same time. We were sitting on the couch  comfortably but harry might not like it as he put his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closed i squirmed around but his grip tightened more. It was suffocating me "keep your hands to yourself harry" i said with a bot of  anger in my voice "i can't keep my hands to my self" he sang or whispered. I then gave and then got comfy in his arms but kept my distance hey when other person wants to bug u then act along with the person and then ur the one who is bugging .

I was feeling myself sliping into darkness but i wanted to take revenge so badly so i decided to set alarm . That would ring in the middle of the night yess. I then let myself be consumed by darkness.

I felt something moving around so i peeked to only see emerald green eyes staring back at me "go to sleep baby. Its been a long day for u with all the drama. Just sleep and shut the world out" said Harry and for once I obeyed him "night" I mumbled before I know I was tucked into bed and Harry kissed my forehead "I love u baby and sleep tight" Harry whispered and I heard a door close and knew that Harry went to sleep too and I also went to sleep again.


Hey guys!! I know I took long to update but school's been busy . Plz guys comment how u want this story to take its twist or how I want it to go in the future updates and forget to comment.

Words: this time I lost the count sorry :):(

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