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*Belle's p.o.v.*

Mum, dani and I waited for Anne as she took time coming back with whoever was on the door. We all had our eyes now directed towards the corridor where the door was finally we heard some voices full of enthusiasm and in a second we all saw Harry standing at the door.

He had his hair quiffed backwards, he wore a black coat with a undershirt which was black goo but had small white hearts on them yo say he was looking handsome was an understatement because if I didn't knew him then I would have swooned around him like a bee around honey.

After much thoughts I stood up and went close go him and to that he took advantage and pulled me closer by snaking his arms around my waist. I blushed a little but scoffed as all the other women awed at us.

" you look beautiful darling" he complimented while placing a kiss on my cheeks to which I was thankful as to he didn't show so much of affection in public.  I hate PDA but being a part of it, was more worse.

I felt like I was not part of all this mafia shit.
He offered me his arm.

"Shall we?" He asked with his one eyebrow raised.
It was all new to me as I have seen his violent side now I have seen his gentleman side but I never want to see or imagine his wild side.

In the movies also I hated anything that was telated to violence because there can be solutions that do nit involve violence to your problems. Sometimes I think that god made this world just for people to fight and take each other's life and enjoy their with laughter love but karma being her bitchy self would come after you.

I've never been exposed to this side of my family's profession or anything related to this mafia and if you ask I never wanted to but I think life has it's own way of making my life hell.

"We are very near to the party venue and I want you to behave because this is important and if you won't then you would know the consequences." He said while stopping at a red light.

He shifted his gear and had his car going more than the speed limit allowed. I held onto my dress like it would save me if we were to be in an accident.

We reached at a house actually sorry my mistake it's not a house but a freaking mansion. It was painted peach and it's roof had touch of red. It left me breathless. We had to go through a big giant gate which les us to a small runway and in between the runway there was a beautiful garden which we passed through. In the end of the big runway we saw the mansion but it was small compared to Harry's house.

After getting out of his car I saw harry giving his car to the valet and coming towards me with a frown.

" I should be the one to open your door aren't I?!" He gritted his teeth.

"I am not an infant that needs for them a person to open their door." i said stubbornly.

He took my hand in his and made me walk with him but I knew better than to react right now.

I never liked parties or where a crowd was going to just stare at me like I stole their kid's or sibling's ice-cream.

When we walked through those giant ass gates we were stared at like we were some celebrities that are so freaking famous that we don't have time for a nap. Most of the girls were gawking at harry like they would eat him up if they had a chance to and that's what I feared the most and just think of the news broadcating THE MOST FEARED GANGLEADER HAS BEEN RAPED BY SOME CRAZY GIRLS. 

Without knowing I let a big ass lips tearing smile. I took one of the drinks that were offered to me from the staff of the servants.

Harry tightened his hands.

"Can you even tolerate alcohol?" I looked at him with a grin and nodded.
It looked like he didn't believe me but who gives a freaking rats ass, right?!?

"I want you to meet someone"  he said dragging me in the direction of some young boys with harry's friend that I met in the party. I was really happy to see some familiar faces which included Dani, Eleanor,Amanda and Perri.

"Hey!!! It's really nice to meet all of you-" I was interrupted by some gunshots and I was the only one who was screaming the hell out of her heart and saw everybody rushing and protecting their children or their wifes or girlfriends.

Then the lights went off and someone covered my mouth!!!

I tried clawing at their hands but it was no use.


I am really sorry for the delay!!!!

I love all of you!!! Please do comment and vote!

Words: 853


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