Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}

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A/N: Hey all! This is the sequel to Liquid Mercury! I know that the other story is so short, but I promise that this one will be longer, and by the book, kinda sorta. But this one is going to be more epic because, 1. Sirius is legally free! 2. Someone will be returning to the story! ;) 3. The Triwizard Tournament is taking place! 4. Draco Malfoy will be turned into The Amazing Bouncing Ferret! 

Disclaimer: I do not own anything made up by JK Rowling. Only the things you don't recognize and a little bit of the plot. 

Chapter One. 

I sat in my dusty room at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. My sheets were colored purple and my walls were lime green. Lets just say I did a lot of redecorating. But no matter how much improvement I did to the room, everything was always covered in dust! I even tried cleaning! It just wouldn’t go away. 

I stood and walked out of my multicolored room and down many flights of stairs. 

When I had found my dad, Sirius Black, I asked loudly, “Is there some sort of permanent sticking charm on the dust in my room?”

He laughed. “Probably.”

I rolled my eyes as he laughed at me. He was sitting at the long dining room table that had the words Toujours Pur incrusted on the tabletop. Toujours Pur translates to Forever Pure from French. It was the Black’s motto, as my dad’s parents were pureblood obsessed. 

“I can have Hermione over, right?” I asked. 

“Of course. The owl’s upstairs. Oh, and can you find your cat?” He replied. 

I nodded and headed upstairs yelling, “Delilah!”

My black cat sprung out and attacked me in what I thought was a hug. I laughed. “Hey, Del.” I picked her up and set her on my shoulders. Then I returned to my room to start on my letter to Hermione. 

Dear Hermione, 

Happy almost Birthday! :D I hope you like the necklace that I sent! Also, I was wondering if you would want to come over to Grimmauld Place? Sorry for this brief message, but the owl is now attacking me, waiting for the letter…

From, Mercury. 

It was true. Somehow, the owl knew I was sending a letter, and came to attack me until I gave it the danged letter. So I grabbed the owl, attached the letter to it’s foot, and brought it to the window where it took flight. Delilah hopped on my bed and made a large purring sound. I rolled my eyes at my cat’s quirkiness. 

About 20 minutes later, because I live so close to Hermione, my owl came back with a message.

Dear Mercury:

Hey thanks! I really love the necklace, it’s so pretty! I now know what you mean. Your owl is attacking me! So, I gave it some treats to calm down. It worked! Anyways, my dad says yes for me to come over, so when should I come?

From, Hermione. 

After I finished reading, I couldn’t help thinking, The dang owl likes Hermione better than me! I always give it treats and it still attacks me!

I brought the letter to my desk and dipped my quill in ink and scribbled out a reply.


Any time is fine. You can probably stay the rest of the holidays if you like. 


And then I sent it off. 

Hermione was one of my best friends. She’s a little taller than me, by like one inch, she has dark brown chocolate eyes, and bushy brown hair. She’s so smart, it’s not even funny anymore. Hermione is a Muggleborn, so she gets bullied for that at school by some people *cough, cough* SLYTHERINS *cough, cough*. 

I also have two other best friends. Their names are Fred and George Weasley. They’re both twins with fiery red hair and hazel eyes. Both are in their 6th year this year. They are my pranking buddies. They absolutely love to torture everyone with their hilarious pranks. The only people who we haven’t pranked are Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Flitwick. Dumbledore because he’s the headmaster, McGonagall because she would kill us, and Flitwick because he gets teased enough by students because of his height. 

So Hermione, Fred, George, and I are all best friends. Last year, we became Animagi. An Animagus is a person that changes into an animal at will. You change into the animal that reflects your personality the most. Hermione is an otter, Fred is a raven, George is a fox, and I am a lioness. 

Also, last year, I finally met my dad. At first, I thought he was a crazy mass murderer lunatic. But it turns out, he was framed. Yes, my dad is none other than Sirius Black. The Azkaban escapee. 

And here is the start of another year as the daughter of Sirius Black and Jessica Potter, cousin to the Boy Who Lived, and best friends with the Golden Trio and the Weasley twins. I think this year will be pretty crazy. 

Book Two of the Mercury Series: Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now