Ch. 2 ~ Mugged by Muggles

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A/N:  Chapter is really super mega weird and random…. I hope you’ll be able to understand it. :P WATCH OUT FOR COARSE LANGUAGE THAT I'VE USED. I might use it a lot in this story. Just a head’s up. Anynoodles, sorry I haven’t updated. I haven’t been able to get on the computer with my dad prowling around, screeching about cleaning the house. After that depressing excuse, you all know that I don’t own Harry Potter. All’s I own is Mercury, Jessica, Jacob, Jason, Delilah, ect., and some of the plotline. 

Song: Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People

 I love that song :D

Chapter Two: Mugged by Muggles 

Hermione came over by Floo Powder with her trunk in tow. 

“Hermione!” I yelled. 

“Mercury!” she yelled, too. 

We hugged epically. Then we busted out laughing. For some random reason….

“Hermione is in the building!” I yelled to my dad. 

“Okay!” I heard, then I heard a faint squawk. It was probably Buckbeak the Hippogriff. You remember him from last year, right? Of course you do. He was the one that was executed. But somehow,  by  miracle, Hermione and Harry went back with a time turner, and saved his arse from being chopped in half. I think like someone’s gunna read my thoughts. This totally makes no sense. 

“C’mon, Herms. Let’s go find you a room!” I said, and skipped away with Hermione’s cat’s cage in my hands. Her cat’s name is Crookshanks. He and Delilah are amazing friends.  

“Okay!” she said and followed me up the rickety stairs. 

I found an empty room next to mine. It was decked out in Slytherin colors. 

“Ew,” we said at the same time. 

“Yeah… If you’ll be staying for the rest of the holidays, we’ll need to redecorate…” I said. 


So we set to work. We placed her stuff in my room, so it wouldn’t get ruined. Then we got Sirius to transfigure things into paint and paintbrushes and got tarps to cover the floor. 

“Hey, hang on a sec,” Hermione said and ran out of the room. 

She was gone a total of 50 seconds. Yeah, I counted. When she ran back, she had a Muggle device in her hands. She called it an iPod. Supposedly, it played music, even though it was a teeny, slim rectangle. …Okay? 

“I’ll turn it on shuffle,” she said as she plugged it into a pair of purple speakers with writing on them. They had epic sayings like, ‘Music is my life’ and ‘My heart’s a stereo’. 

A song came on. It was called Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. It went:

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, 

You better run, better run

Outrun my gun

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, 

You better run, better run

Faster than my bullet

Soon Hermione and I were singing along psychotically while painting her room pink, purple, black, silver, turquoise and lime green splatter paint. It was really fun. 

Daddy works a long day

He’ll be coming home late, he’s coming home late

And he’s bringing me a surprise

‘Cuz dinner’s in the kitchen and it’s packed in ice

I’ve waited for a long time

Yeah, the slight of my hand is now a quick-pull trigger

I reason with my cigarette

And say, ‘Your hair’s on fire, must of lost your wits’  


Hermione explained to me that a gun was a Muggle contraption that killed people by the pull of a trigger. Let’s say, I was impressed with the Muggle contraption. 

“This song is really weird,” I laughed. 

Hermione nodded, cracking up at our horrible singing. 

Finally, we finished with the walls. The song ended awhile ago, but we were still singing it.  

Hermione and I laid outside in the park. It was sort of a warm day, as we only had on singlets and shorts. The smell of grass and wildflowers filled my nose. It was an okay day, but I had the feeling that something was off. 

Just then, Hermione and I heard shuffling. We glanced at one another, then sat up. There were two guys, who looked about 17. They had the Muggle contraptions. What were they called? Oh yeah, guns. The things that could kill you with a quick-pull trigger. They were pointed at us. 

“Stand up slowly,” one said. 

I raised an eyebrow. Hermione jabbed me with her elbow and motioned for me to stand, like she was. But no, I felt like being difficult. 

“Whudda you want?” I asked bluntly. 

“He said, stand up,” the other teen said forcefully.

“No, I don’t really feel like it.”

The two were wearing black long sleeves and trousers. They also looked ridiculous in those ski masks…

“Get up or we shoot.”

I slipped my wand out of the waistband of my shorts. Unnoticed of course, because Muggles were unobservant. I stood, with a smirk on my face. 

“Don’t mess with me,” I warned. 

The two laughed haughtily. “What? A thirteen year old?”

“Fourteen, bitch,” I said, sticking out my tongue. “Now what do you want?”

“Either give us your money, or come with us.”

“Well, I don’t feel like doing either.”

Both of the guys took shots at both of us with their guns. I had two choices. Save Hermione, which she had a bullet that was aimed expertly at her heart, or save myself, which I had a bullet that was poorly aimed at my shoulder. I chose Hermione. 

“Protego!” I shouted the shield charm at my friend. 

Then a searing pain in my shoulder erupted. I yelled and cursed. I then took my wand and shot the stunning spell blindly at where I thought they ought to be. I held onto my left shoulder, where I was shot, and my left arm happened to be my wand arm. Fantabulous. Blood was gushing out of it. If I wasn’t in such pain, I would’ve said, ‘Ew.’.

With two thumps, it seemed as though I’d gotten them. Hermione was still in the shield, so she couldn’t move. Several cracks sounded, and I was surrounded with Aurors. 

“Mercury Welds Potter Black, you have knowingly used magic in the presence of two Muggles.”

Oh shit. 

Book Two of the Mercury Series: Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now