All We Know Is Falling

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Everything was strange, like I had just walked into a completely different world that my brain couldn't comprehend. This new world was silent and I absolutely hated it. It sucked, and it was all because of my future father. But I am no longer a Malfoy. I am a Grey, the first and only. I couldn't hear anything, for crying out loud! Honestly, it was scary.

When was I going to go back to my own time? What would my friends say? I would never be able to hear their voices again. It hurt, it really did. I was unbelievably homesick -homesick for my friends Mikey, Viktor, and Greg and my new friends; homesick for Durmstrang; homesick for Hogwarts; homesick for home.

I sat in front of the Gryffindor common room fireplace for a good few hours. before the guys came to sit by me. Sirius held my hand in his as a sign of support and I offered him a small smile in response. I imagined the crackling of the fire in the background as their voices rumbled softly throughout the air as they spoke to one another. Knowing them, the boys were probably talking about Quidditch or pranks on the occupants of the school.

It was then that I decided that I needed to get home. So much has already gone wrong here, it must be a sign that I don't belong here, right? I would start researching tomorrow. I squeezed Sirius' hand and he gave mine a gentle squeeze back while talking to James

I directed my gaze back towards the fire and let my mind be filled with smoke and imagined crackles.

Remus POV

We were sitting on the couches around Fayette. It has been two days since she was declared deaf, and ever since she looks lost. Fay was staring intensely into the flames in the fireplace and just knowing that she would never again be able to hear the soft crackles of wood burning broke my heart.

Sirius took Fay's hand and it made everything a little lighter when she gave the tiniest of smiles. Sirius turned slightly away from her so she couldn't see what he was about to say.

"We need to do something about this," he said grimly. He spoke quietly, as if Fay could hear him if he spoke any louder. We were the only ones in the common room, and we all knew what "this" meant. We needed to help Fay.

"And what do you propose we do?" I asked I knew that my voice sounded hopeless to the ears of my friends.

"I don't know!"

Then Jacob spoke up. "Why don't we do something like Legilimency? We could communicate with our minds with phrases, pictures and sensations. It would be with our minds, so I don't think we would even need ears to convey messages."

We all looked at Jacob, stunned. "What? I'm smart," he defended. By then, it was decided that we would begin researching tomorrow.

A/N: Okay, sorry for the short chapter, but I'M BACK. I'm sorry, but for a while, I've been in 'reading mode' and haven't really been able to write anything good for a while. I had lost inspiration. Now that I've reread this book and gotten myself together, I think I'll start it back up again. I would have been able to post this earlier, but my chapter got deleted so I had to retype it (I write most of my stuff in a notebook before I type it into Watty). And we got a new computer so all my old crap is like... Gone. Forever. :P Thanks so much for reading and I'm going to start the next chapter ASAP!

Book Two of the Mercury Series: Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now