Ch. 6 Part Two ~ That's Deep, Man

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Chapter 6 That’s Deep, Man. 


I turned and stepped through the portrait hole all the way. The common room looked amazing. It was decked out in red and gold. The couches and armchairs were red velvet plush. The carpet was the same, though gold. It also had a breathtaking picture of a roaring lion on the wall. 

“That was drawn by Dean Thomas,” a voice said. 

I jumped. “Don’t do that!” I yelled at Fred. 

He laughed. I rolled my eyes. 

“So what took you so long?” he asked, going to go sit on an armchair near the fireplace. 

“I got lost,” I admitted, going to sit next to him on the other chair. 

“Who helped you?” he asked curiously. 

“Hufflepuff. Ah… Cedric Diggory, I think.”

“Ah. Nice fellow,” he said. “Spanking good Quidditch player, too.”

“I luff Quidditch!” I yelled. 

“Really?” he asked curiously. 


“What do you mean?” he asked. 

“My best friends are on the International Bulgarian team! Oh, you might know this one, eh? Does Viktor Krum ring any bells?” I said sarcastically. 

His mouth formed a big ‘O’. I looked away from him and into the crackling fire that illuminated the room. I sighed and said, “I’m going to go up to bed.”

After we’d said our goodnights, I ran up to the girls’ dormitory. The dormitory was the same as the common room. It had the same velvet maroon color and gold accents. On two beds, Mercury and the girl who’d elbowed the blunt kid were both reading. 

Mercury looked up. “Hey Willow!” she’d  said. 

“Hey Mercury.”

“This is my best friend, Hermione,” Mercury introduced. 

The girl smiled at me. She had bushy hair and chocolate brown eyes. 

“Okay, so, where do I sleep?” I asked, exhausted. 

“Right here.” Mercury pointed to the bed between hers and Hermione’s. I collapsed on the bed. 

We stayed up talking the whole night. Right now it was 2:30. We were all on my bed, as mine was in the middle. The curtains were drawn so that the other girls wouldn’t see us, and Hermione had put up a silencing charm around the bed so that they couldn’t hear us, either. 

“So what do you think of the Triwizard Tournament?” I asked, unwrapping a chocolate frog. 

“I think,” Hermione said. “That Harry’s going to be in it. Don’t you? He’s been in the center of everything here, you know. The Philosopher’s Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, getting Sirius out of Azkaban…”

“I agree,” Mercury rolled her eyes. “My cousin has gotten himself into some predicaments. But still, if he hadn’t, dad wouldn’t have been freed. Well, actually, it was all Ron. If Sirius hadn’t attacked him and Peter, then we wouldn’t have heard the story and everything.”

I was completely confused about what they were saying, but I didn’t mention it. “What about you, Willow?”

“Hmm. I know that all my friends are going to enter. You know, Viktor, Mikey, and Greg. I think at least one of them will make it. I have my bets on Viktor and Mikey. I mean, Greg’s great academically, but I don’t think he can act without thinking out his options thoroughly first, you know?”

The both nodded in understanding. I pushed my hair away from my face. It then stubbornly fell back into it’s original position. Grumbling, I took a bobby pin out from my pajama pants’ pocket and shoved some hair through it. 

“Hmm. What is your favorite color?” Now we’d taken to just asking one another questions to get to know one another better. Tomorrow, I was going to ask Karkaroff if I could stay here until after the Triwizard Tournament. I really like these girls. 

“Purple,” I said immediately. 

“Orange,” said Mercury. 

“Oh, well, mine’s blue,” Hermione concluded. 

Now it was Mercury’s turn to ask a question. “Who’s everyone’s best friend and/or friends?”

Hermione answered first. “Harry, Ron, Fred, George, you…”

“Mine’s Fred, George, and Hermione,” Mercury said, gesturing to her friend as she said her name. 

“Viktor, Mikey, and Greg.”

“You keep saying them, but we don’t really know who they are. Can you describe them?” Hermione asked politely. I thought it was really nice. 

“Well, Viktor is kind of brooding. He’s a spanking good Quidditch player, as you know. He’s my very best friend. He has dark hair, brown. Dark eyes, too, almost black. He’s really nice and caring. Most of the time, he’s my big brother. So he doesn’t really count as a best friend. 

“Mikey, well, Michael Herter is my polar opposite. He’s a total Quidditch freak like me and Viktor. He has black hair and deep blue eyes that are mixed with a bit of black.  The only thing we agree on is Quidditch. But I go to him for everything. Like family problems, needing help with studying… all that. I call him Mikey because he hates it. Well, I don’t think he minds when I do it, just everyone else. 

“Greg, or Gregory Math is the study freak of the group. He’s so academically smart, its crazy. When he talks to me about homework and lessons, my brain fizzles out because half of the time, I have no idea what the heck he’s talking about. But Greg’s a real sweetheart, too. He has blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He likes Quidditch a bit, too. But he’s not totally committed, like us other three are. Most of the time, he’ll just commentate the matches. He’s fun to be around, and totally smart. A lot of girls were chasing after him before Durmstrang, I can tell you that,” I laughed. 

“Who’s your favorite?” Mercury asked. 

I shrugged. “I dunno. Probably Mikey. Because even though we fight like, constantly, he’s the bestest friend in the whole world, and… I dunno. It’s kind of hard to explain…”

Mercury got a dreamy expression on her face. “It’s like you absolutely love them, no matter how much you fight. You have your differences, but you’re so alike, you always clash together. It’s kind of like you’ve found your other half…”

Silence until… “That’s deep, man.” 

I laughed at Hermione’s comment. 

Book Two of the Mercury Series: Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now