Daddy's Got PMS

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Chapter Twelve: Meeting the Father. 

Fayette’s POV

The Past

I skipped happily to the common room. Wanna know why? Cuz I just got moved up from my position in fourth year to fifth year! And I've only been in the past for like, a week. Maybe. Probably only two days. Hmm.

Anyways., I was skipping to the common room. James, Sirius, Jacob, and Remus trailed after me. They walked like they'd been caught red-handed, a hand in the cookie jar, and they were just getting punished.

"Oh, lighten up, guys!" I said.

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"Why are you so grumpy?” I countered. 

He shrugged. “I feel gloomy.”

I rolled my eyes and doubled back to where I was standing between him and Jacob. “Well, come on! We’ll go outside, and maybe that will help with your gloomy attitude!” I grabbed both of their hands and ran ahead, dragging them behind me. 

They groaned. “You’re going to rip our arms out, Fay!” 

I laughed while turning a corner. “Don’t be so-”

I collided with something. Or rather, someone. 

“Watch where you’re going, you Mudblood!” the person spat. 

Apparently, I fell on the floor, so I had to look up to see the insulter. And guess who it was? My father. Lucius Malfoy. His bleach blonde hair fell on his shoulders and his ugly grey eyes were filled with disgust. 

I started laughing again. 

“What are you laughing at, you Mudblood?” he screeched. 

“Oh the irony!” I cackled. 

I hoisted myself up using Sirius’ and Jacob’s hands. I stumbled, but regained my balance. Still laughing, I said, “You know, Malfoy, you should really stop going to get  your hair bleached. You do realize that its not doing anything for your complexion? And it really damages your hair.”

He looked at me, shocked. You know, I barely know what complexion means? Ha, aha. 

“Don’t talk to me, you Mudblood!” he shrieked in his girly voice. 

I started laughing like a crazy person. It reminded me of Bellatrix Lestrange. Now that chick is one crazy lunatic. 

“I’m not a Mudblood, you idiot.”

“Then you’re a blood traitor!”

“No, you’re the traitor, as you think that purity is everything. I bet that if I sliced you open, and Lily Evans, her blood would be just as clear as yours,” I said, putting my hands my hips. “Now if you’ll excuse me and my friends, we’d like to take a walk outside.”

I waited for him to step aside. He didn’t. 

“You look here, you blood traitor,” he hissed in my face. “You better watch your back. I will get my revenge for your backtalk.”

I waved it off. “Sure thing, Blondie. Now move!”

I kicked him in the shin. He hopped away, and I started to drag my friends down to the grounds again. 

“What was that about?” my friends asked. 

“I’ve had a few encounters with him before. He hates me.”

Ha, aha. Yeah right. In my head I was thinking, 

Daddy’s got PMS. 

A/N: Just a funny little chapter. I thought that it was funny that she met her dad. (sorry for all the people who like Lucius. I think he's a total pain.) :b

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