The Champions

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Disclaimer: You know, I don't own anything you recognize from the HP books. Just sayin. 

Ch. 9

Mercury’s POV

I was studying in the common room when Fred approached me. 

“Hello, Fred,” I said. 

“Hey Mercury. Have you seen Fayette?” he looked at me curiously. 

“No,” I said, thoughtfully. “I haven’t.”

Suddenly, Hermione came running up to us. “Guys, the time turner I used last year is missing.”

Fred and I looked at each other. 

Hermione decided that we wouldn’t tell a teacher- yet. This surprised Fred and I. Even Fred wanted to tell Dumbledore and Karkaroff. But Hermione insisted that we didn’t. So, we compromised. We told George. He thought that we should tell Dumbledore, too. Finally, Hermione gave in. 

At the moment, we were headed to the stone gargoyle that guarded the headmaster’s study. Declaring the password, we rushed up the stairs and pounded on the door. 

“Enter, my dear children!” Dumbledore cried. 

We stumbled into the headmaster’s office and began a hurried explanation of what happened. 

Dumbledore rolled his eyes in amusement. “You children do not think I already know? She went to the past, so naturally I would know about it.”

We stood there, mouths agape. 

“Will she ever come back, Professor?” Fred asked. 

Dumbledore thought for a moment. “It’s possible,” he said, doubtfully. 

Fred looked heartbroken. I think he liked her, even though he’d only known her for about two weeks. 

I nodded to Dumbledore and said, “Do the Malfoys know, sir?”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Black…” he said thoughtfully. “But why don’t you go down to dinner? The champions will be announced tonight.”

We nodded and trooped out of his office, a lot of things on each of our minds. 

Third Person POV

Dinner started off normal. First there was the heaps of food, which Ron stuffed into his mouth… Then you had dessert which consisted of various amounts of pudding and treacle tarts. Everyone tried to enjoy themselves, but couldn’t. They were missing Fayette. It seemed stupid to think that they would get worked up over a Malfoy, but still, she was their new friend. 

“What’s got you guys all depressed?” Ron asked through a mouthful of lemon flavored pudding. Though, it came out like, ‘’Hat’s ‘ot ‘oo ‘uys ‘awl ‘depreffffed?’ and he sprayed a fair amount of pudding around the table. 

Hermione rolled her eyes and snapped, “Ronald, can you get your head out of your food for just one moment and realize that one of our friends is missing?”

Ron didn’t have anything to say to that. 

The one thing that caught Mercury’s eye, though, was that Draco and Karkaroff didn’t seem bothered by Fayette’s sudden disappearance. Draco looked almost smug, while Karkaroff looked relieved and nervous at the same time. He was probably the one who would have to break the news to the Senior Malfoys. 

Hermione was sitting eating a treacle tart when some of Fayette’s friends came over. 

“Hey, you’ve any idea where Fayette is?” he asked. She thought that this one was Michael. 

Book Two of the Mercury Series: Poisonous Mercury {A Harry Potter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now