Chapter 5 Texting a Killer

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I've had a lot on my mind and have been struggling with depression. Things are getting better, they're not good yet but better. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter five

Bella's POV

I left the building and checked every concealed skip with in a five to ten minute walk of the murder scene. I added an extra five minutes because I walked faster than most people. I walked faster than Sherlock half the time; I wasn't able to sit still. I found the case three blocks away from the scene in under 30 minutes. I headed back to the flat; I didn't know if Sherlock would be back yet or not. When I got there Sherlock was there with three nicotine patches on his arm and he was reclining on the sofa.

John was nowhere to be seen. "Any luck finding her phone?" I asked.

"No," Sherlock answered. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Um, took me less than 30 minutes. Three blocks from the crimes scene," I said putting the case in a dining chair.

"Impressive, I can't wait till you're working with me. That dining job has to be boring for someone like you."

"Oh, I hate that job, but it pays the bills and keeps food in the place so we don't starve. Can't really complain," I answered picking his feet up and sitting down on the couch and placing his feet in my lap.

"Your father should be arriving soon, I texted him to come. I left him at the crime scene," Sherlock said.

"So is he moving in?"

"Don't know. Are you okay with him coming in?"

"I'll deal with it. I would be fine if I never saw him after he left but this way I'll have to deal with my issues that I have with him. This could be a good thing, but it could also set me back in the progress that's been made. Are you ready for that?" I asked looking at him. He had helped me so much.

"I'll always help you Bella. I know you trust me the most out of everyone else."

"Thank you Lock," I said leaning back against the couch. Just then John came in.

"Well you asked me to come it must be important. Is that three patches?" he asked.

"It's a three patch problem. Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. Can I borrow your phone?" Sherlock asked not even looking at him.

"Good news for breathing," John answered.

"Breathing's boring. Bad news for thinking. Your phone."

"My phone? Why not borrow Bella's and what's wrong with yours?"

"There's a chance the number will be recognized and I don't want to put Bella in danger." John placed his phone in Sherlock's hand. "Bella would you?" Sherlock asked handing it to me.

"Texting the victim's phone yes?" I asked.

"Yes please," Sherlock replied.

"And what should I say?"

"What happened at Lauriston Gardens? I must have blacked out. Please come. 22 Northumberland Street." I sent it to the number I had run down for the victim and tossed John his phone back.

"Who did you just text?" John asked.

"The victim," I replied.

"Why, she's dead?"

"The question is where is her phone now?" Sherlock asked going over to the case and going through it. "Bella, no phone here so."

"The killer has it, as we thought," I finished.

"You had my daughter text the killer?" John yelled.

"That's why he used your phone John. Like he said, he wouldn't put me in danger," I said as his phone rang.

"Well that confirms that," Sherlock said.

"Confirms what?" Johns asked.

"If that message was received by someone who had just simply found the phone they'd ignore a message like that but the killer would panic—having received a message that could only be from her only hours after she died," I explained putting my feet up on the couch.

"Oh perhaps I should say that Bella and I had nothing to do with her death," Sherlock said perching in his armchair.

"Do people usually assume you're the murderer?" John asked.

"Now and again yes, Bella not usually. People think she's covering for me." I laughed at Sherlock's statement.

"And I would too; you're my best friend Sherlock." I winked and smiled at him.


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