Chapter 24 Fucking up Plans

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A/N: This is short but for all of you who asked for an update here you go. I hope this holds you over till I can write a longer chapter. I'm so glad you're all enjoying the story.

Chapter 24

The Christmas party at Sherlock's flat had come and gone. Winter was coming to an end before I thought of Irene again and that was only because she was sleeping in Sherlock's bed. I sat locked in my room, refusing to come out. Last time I was in her presence I was nearly killed. I didn't want to be around her. Late that night Mycroft sent someone to collect Sherlock and me. Irene was still in the apartment.

The black car took us to an airport and outside the plane was the man who had attacked me. I moved behind Sherlock and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Feeling better?" Sherlock asked him.

"No thanks to you," he replied. "They'd give me a reward for killing you, sir."

"What would they do to me for killing you?" I snarled pushing Sherlock behind me. "You stay away from him." With that Sherlock and I boarded the plane but something was wrong, I could tell from the smell. The passengers were also too still.

"Did you figure it out? You've been dancing around this one for ages? The flight of the dead," Mycroft said stepping from the shadows.

"An unmanned aircraft, fool the terrorists, very clever," Sherlock said.

"We can't fool them now, just one small bit of coded email."

"Your MOD man," Sherlock said still glancing around.

"That's what she had on her phone?" I asked getting it. I had overheard the conversation he had with her and John. "Sherlock please tell me you didn't."

"Oh he did, now the terrorists know, just a small bit of code leaked. Months and months of planning wasted. My superiors want someone's head. How long did it take you to crack that code, a minute, or were you really eager to impress?"

"I think it was less than eight seconds," Irene's voice came from behind Sherlock making me jump. "We need to talk," she said walking forward.

"I agree, there are several things I'm still not clear on," Sherlock said watching her.

"Not you junior I'm done." She walked up to Mycroft. "I have my demands, I'm done playing." A short time later we were sitting in Mycroft's office with her and Mycroft at the table drinking while Sherlock and I sat by the fire. There was one attempt remaining on her phone to get in. I wasn't listening to what she and Mycroft were saying.

"Mycroft, may I see her phone?" I asked when I noticed she kept trying to flirt with Sherlock.

"Certainly," he replied handing it over. I typed in the passcode and handed it back to Mycroft as it unlocked. I glared at Irene, "I hope that makes for any trouble caused tonight."

"I'm sure it will. Sherlock, you should keep her, she's going to save your sorry ass more than once," Mycroft said.

I leaned in to look at Irene, "He's mine bitch." With that, I walked out of the room. God that felt good.

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