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((Comments work now. I don't know what was wrong with it smh 😂))


"Girl. I knew he was into you." Kelly laughed.

"Why do you take everything for a joke?!"

"I'm not joking, what are you going to tell Jay?"

"Bitch, I'm not telling him anything."


"Because I don't know how he'll react."

"I'm not telling you how to live, but Bey you gotta tell him."

"Mhm, I will. I'm about to go home. Tell my baby I said hi. I'll be over to see him one day."

"Alright Bey baby, see you."

I hung up and kept driving home. Just thinking about it. I don't want Jay to overreact but I also don't want him to get mad at me. We've been on good terms recently and I don't want it to end.

I pulled in the driveway and got out. I got all the bags out at one time because 2 trips are for pussies.

I was attacked at the legs as soon as I walked in. "Hey, mommy's baby!" I put the bags down in the kitchen. Then, I scooped her up and spun around.

"Hey, baby." Jay said coming out of the living room.

"Hey." I said walking past him to go up to my room. "Can you put the stuff away?" He nodded and I kept walking.

I changed into some shorts and a tank top with no bra because I had to let the girls free!

"What's wrong with you?" Jay asked walking in.

I kept playing with Peyton and smiled. "Nothing."

"Oh okay." He tried to kiss me but I turned and gave him the cheek. He brought his eyebrows down and kept looking at me. "What's up?"

"Nothing, Jay."

He said nothing else and just sat in the recliner chair watching tv with us.

"What you do today?" He asked after a few minutes.

"Went shopping."

"That's it?"

"And I uh stopped by a friend's house."

"Mmm, okay."

A week later.

Keenon been hitting me up nonstop. I just keep ignoring him. I couldn't let go of the fact that his feelings were so strong, that he felt he needed to act on them. I knew he liked me a little bit, but I thought he understood the boundaries of the friend-zone.

"I'm leaving, do you want me to drop P off or are you going to watch her?"

"Ima watch her."

"Okay, see you." I kissed his lips and grabbed my purse. Who knows what jay does all day? I just pray he's going to look for a real job and stop messing around in the streets.

I drove to the building and I saw YG standing by the front. It was no other way in so I was going to act like I didn't see him.

Being a Daddy II. {FIN}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant