Chapter 1- His Return

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Chapter 1- He's Back
Sakura's POV
I walked through the village with Naruto and the rest of Team Seven including Sai and Kakashi. We were on our way to Tsunade's office. I was thinking about stuff as Naruto talked and blabberered about the different types of Ramen. Sai as usual was drawing and Kakashi... well he was reading his perverted books. We entered the office greeted with a pair of onyx orbs and raven blue hair, along with a Katana and a sinister face.

Sasuke's back HUH? How cute I thought. Over the past three years that Sasuke has left the first year was spent crying. The next two years were spent on training and gaining hatred for the Uchiha. He broke my heart so why love again and grow soft for him again? I looked from him to the Hokage.

"So why are we here?" I asked annoyed. "For teme of course!" Naruto replied with a thumbs up. I turned towards the door. "I have better stuff to do, now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave" I said leaving the room with them dumbfounded. I could have sworn that at that moment I could've rough housed the whole place in a second just because of laying my eyes on him.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I felt a lump in my throat. I forced them away as I caught sight of a unity of cherry blossom trees. I walked over to it and leaned on it. I would have cried right now, but I learned that a ninja should never show his or her feelings. I've learned how to take control over my emotions and hide them away.

If I was the same as three years ago I would've been crying right now. Or worse fangirling over that Uchiha. I stared at the grass with my chest rising and sinking with every breath I took. "Sakura!" Naruto yelled with the others trailing behind him. He was about to tackle me until I moved out the way and left him to stumble face first.

Now of all the times he had to come I thought. "What is it now?" I asked annoyed. He got up and dusted his jump suit. "We were gonna ask you if you wanted to eat Ramen with us?" he asked. "No" I replied walking away.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" he snapped. I quickly teleported in front of him. "DAMMIT NARUTO, I'M TIRED OF HEARING YOU, CAN'T I GO A SINGLE DAY WITHOUT YOU HAVING TO RUIN IT?!" I yelled glaring at him. He tsked and looked down. "Just leave me alone, I've had enough of you" I muttered and walked away.

I left them there as onyx eyes stared at me. So annoying I thought. I walked towards my house seeing Ino there waiting patiently, or rather of an eager way. I masked my chakra and jumped up my roof. I lifted my window up and entered shutting it close.

My room was dim and not much sun entered it. I opened my curtains and sat on my bed staring at the picture of Team Seven. I chuckled and grabbed it. I stared at it. I looked at Naruto glaring at Sasuke and Sasuke was glaring at the camera.

Kakashi was ruffling their hair as I smiled. The smile that was plastered on my face there made a lump in my throat. Why was I feeling this way? That I didn't know. I set the picture back and layer on my bed.

I stared at the ceiling then to the digital clock on my dresser. It was 6 o'clock and the sun was going down. I put on some high-waisted shorts and a black tank top. I slipped on my black combat shoes again and jumped out my house. Ino had left and was nowhere in sight.

I walked around the village sighting the bridge where usually me and the others would meet up for missions. I stared at the lake watching my reflection and fish passing by. I watched my self as water plummeted into it. I looked up and soon it began to rain. It poured making everything moist.

I continued my walk around the village not making any mind that I was soaked. I walked when the rain had stopped landing on me. I looked up and there was Kakashi there smiling with an umbrella. "Tell me Sakura, you've changed a lot but why you're attitude?" he asked. I looked straight.

"Sensei before I used to be thought as a weakling in front of Sasuke and loved him. When he left, it broke me and my heart snapped into pieces. Over the past years I've been wondering and one question came through my mind..." I looked at him. "Am I meant to be weak or strong? I would think and try to find an answer but instead it lead me to training and not loving him anymore" I added. He nodded and closed his book. We walked towards the training grounds and looked at the memorial stone. "Sakura, love can be hard to find. You know that right?" he asked.

I nodded. "Love hurts and I get that, but that doesn't mean that have to stop in doing so" he added. I smirked. "Let's go home" he said as we walked towards my place. We stopped on my door step as I unlocked the door.

"Wanna come in for a bit?" I asked. He shook his head. "Have to go to a meeting with the rest of the others" he replied. I nodded and bid my goodbyes. I watched as he walked away.

I closed my door and grabbed myself some pajamas. I walked into the bathroom stripping of my clothes. I switched the water on taking a shower. Sasuke.... you've caused me pain and suffering from loving you. From now on you can stare at my back I thought. I got out the shower a while later changing into my clothes and putting my other clothes to wash.

I brushed my hair and teeth. I looked at the clock and it read 8:30 pm. I turned off the light and layer in my bed. I closed my eyes and thoughts filled my head. I pushed them away as black flooded me.

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