Chapter 16- Don't Let Me Down

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     I woke up feeling myself chained like last time but this time with them tighter amongst my body making it harder to breath. I tugged harder and harder as the seconds went by to free myself. Looking every inch over my body there were chakra seals and bracelets. I tsked as I heard a chuckle come from infront of me. It was Kabuto.

     "What do you want from me?!" I shouted. "He'll Orochimaru's arms and you'll be free" he spoke in a husky voice. "Hell no!" I yelled as he appeared in front of me. "Just watch what you're-" he began until I spat in his face. "When I get out from here I'm going to beat your ass to a pulp" I said chuckling.

     I felt pain surge it's way to my neck. Soon I blacked out once again. I woke again finding myself in a big tube. I still had the bracelets. "Heal him or die drowning" Kabuto demanded.

     "I rather die than help his ass walk!" I snapped. Soon I felt liquid surrounding my feet. "Suit yourself" he said monotously. Banging on the glass it wouldn't break. "No matter how hard you try it won't break" he said now appearing infront of the container.

     FUCK! I thought clenching my jaw. I had to keep trying. I kept punching the glass hoping I could break it at any moment.
Sasuke's POV
     I walked through the village looking for a certain pinkette. Scanning I found something was off. "I should ask the dobe" I muttered ignoring the bad feeling in my stomach. I entered the ramen shop seeing the dumbass eating his ramen. I dumped some money on the counter pulling him out the store.

     "Hey Teme, why the hell you disturbing me and my-" he began until I punched the living shit out of him. "We're looking for Sakura, dobe" I replied closing my eyes. "Ah what happened to Sakura?" he asked. "I don't I'm looking for her but I feel something's up right now, I can feel it" I replied. "Just like Neji, eh? Hmph, tipical Teme" he mummbled.

     I slammed him on the floor with a loud thud. "Whatever let's go look for her" I said. He nodded as we went seperate ways throughout the village. I entered the training grounds and went through the forest scanning for clues. Looking closely at the ground I found a spec of pink and blood.

     I picked up the strand of pink and looked at it closely. It was a strand of hair and the blood was starting to dry up. Sakura I thought. I left the training grounds looking for Naruto. I saw him talking to Kiba. 

     "Let's go dobe I found a clue" I muttered pulling him away by the ear. He grumbled and yelped at the pain. We entered the training ground now following the strands of hair.We spent an hour and soon we found ourselves infront of Orochimaru's base. I signaled Naruto to be quiet and he nodded in understanding.

     Aa we entered we walked throughout the hallways trying to hear anything or sense anything related to Sakura. As we walked we began to hear shouts and pounding. Following the sound Naruto being the dumbass he is he entered the room yelling. I slapped a hand to my face in annoyance but looking around there was Sakura. "Sakura!" I yelled seeing her panick.

     There was water around her reaching her elbows. "Sasuke! Naruto! Help me get out of here!" she shouted. Looking closely I saw that there was a chakra seal on the tube she was in preventing her from breaking the tube. "Not on my watch" spoke Kabuto. He charged at us making blows that were a bit hard to dodge.

     This went on for thirty minutes until I saw the water reach Sakura's neck. I turned around punching a sound nin and saw that we were surrounded. "While they take care of you.... I'll make the water drown her.... faster" spoke Kabuto chuckling. "NO!" I yelled. I kicked a sound ninja running towards Sakura's direction. She began to slow down her pace since the water was at her nose.
Sakura's POV
    Sasuke ran towards my direction as the water reched my nose. I was beginning to slow down on pounding the glass since the water was reaching my whole body making me weaker. As Sasuke was centimeters from reaching me the next thing I know shocked me. He coughed blood ad the sound nin removed his swords from his stomach. The water had reached the top of the tube already and I tried to hold my breath.

     I couldn't take the pressure anymore. The oxygen in me was released as I gasped for air swallowing water. Clutching my throat I tried to gain conciousness. The next thing I know my heart rate was slowing down. As the seconds went by my vision grew darker.

     The next thing I know everything went black.
Sasuke's POV
    I punched the remaining sound nin as I reched Sakura. About to help her a ninja pierced four swords into my stomach. I coughed blood as I fell on my knees. Looking at Sakura I saw the water had reached the top. Soon her last breath was released from her mouth as I saw her clutch her throat. I was about to get stabbed again until Naruto helped me.

     "Don't worry, Teme, I got them go save Sakura" he said. Nodding I limped my way to the tube seeing Sakura close her eyes. Taking my sword I stabbed the glass making a hole. I punched it shattering the glass. Grabbing her body I layed it on the ground.

     Checking her pulse I found it wasn't beating. Feeling her face it was cold as ice. She seemed pale as ever. I began to do CPR but nothing worked. Naruto had finished defeating Kabuto and his spies and walked over to me.

    I looked at him shaking my head. He clenched his jaw as he turned around trying to hide his tears. Dammit! I was so weak I thought clenching my teeth. Getting up I heard breathing coming from Sakura.

     Laying my head on her chest I heard her heart beat pick up slowly by the second. Soon there were coughs erupting from her. She smirked at us. "Thanks" was the first thing she said before falling alseep.

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