Chapter 8- Mission (Part 1/3)

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     I yawned as the sun breached my eyes making me squint. I looked around as the image of the lust in Sasuke's mind went through my head. I shivered a bit and looked at the time. It was 5: 15 am. I quickly put on my battle attire and wen to to eat breakfast. When I finished I walked out the door seeing Naruto, Sai, and Sasuke coming towards me.

     ¨What is it now Naruto?¨ I asked annoyed. ¨Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go eat ramen with us?¨ he said. ¨Naruto it's 5 in the morning, you're gonna get stomach cancer if you eat ramen every single morning and I am not gonna heal you¨ I said. ¨Yeah, yeah whatever let's go DATTEBAYO!¨ he said running towards Ichiraku. 

     I shook my head and walked along with Sasuke and Sai beside me. I looked up at the sky seeing that it looked like it was gonna rain badly today. As we walked an anbu appeared before us. ¨Tsunade wishes to speak with all of the Team Seven¨ he spoke. We nodded as it disappeared in a puff of smoke. 

     We looked at one another then sighed. We ran towards Ichiraku and pulled Naruto out of the store as he slurped his ramen eagerly. We entered the Hokage's office and looked at her. ¨Team Seven I have a mission for you. You are to go to the Land of Birds and capture a group called the black scorpions. You are to bring them back alive and must do anything in your power not to let them escape. You leave in two hours and should be back within two weeks or a month. If not anbu will come and check on you¨ she said. We nodded as she dismissed us.

     ¨Land of Birds huh?¨ Naruto said rubbing his chin. ¨That's where Danzo was a year ago before a certain Uchiha killed him¨ I said smirking. I looked at Sasuke from the corner of my eyes and saw him smirking as well. ¨Well anyways I'm gonna go home and pack c'ya¨ I said waving a hand at them as I turned around. I left Naruto crying a waterfall and Sasuke and Sai looking at me and Naruto confused.

     I entered my house and began to pack some stuff along with some snacks too. I had an hour left before leaving to the gates of the village. I looked around my fridge and pulled out an apple. I bit into it and checked the time. It was 6: 30 am already.

     I checked my house for anything that I had missed and pulled out my katana. I had two one from the summoning jutsu and one that Kakashi gave me a while back before Sasuke had came back. I polished it then put it in the sheath attaching it to my left thigh. I had ten minutes  so I checked my book bag once again then walked out the door. I took a short cut only to see Sai and Sasuke there already waiting.

     ¨So you have a katana as well Sakura?¨ Sai asked. ¨Kakashi gave it to me months before Sasuke returned¨ I said. He faked a smile. Faker I thought narrowing my eyes at him. Sasuke leaned on to the gates looking bored. I sighed and sat on the floor cross legged.

     There suddenly was a puff and we saw Kakashi standing there smiling. ¨What is it now?¨ I asked looking at him. ¨Tsunade told me to come long, and I see that Naruto isn't here yet             huh?¨ he said looking from me to Sai. ¨Hey guys I'm here!¨ Naruto yelled coming our way. We sighed as he tipped from running and landed hitting his head on the gates with a loud thump.

     He got up with a ball on his head. He scratched the back of his neck nervously. We took our turns punching him in the head except for Kakashi. Naruto was now crying and walking with us towards out destination. As we walked I had a feeling someone was watching us.

     ¨Someone is watching us¨ I said blankly. Right on cue ten rogue ninjas landed before us. ¨You're pretty smart for a girl that looks weak¨ spoke a guy that looked like a bandit. ¨Please I can kill you in less than five minutes¨ I retorted back. They snickered as they charged at us.

     One tried to stab me as I quickly took my katana out and blocked it kicking him back. Another two came at me with the same strategy as I cut their heads off making blood splatter everywhere staining my clothes. The first charged at me as I gave him a non-chakra filled punch. There was a sudden crack coming from his jaw as he flew meters away from us. The others were done except for Naruto who was hanging on a tree tied up looking like an idiot.

     Night had come and I still was soaked of blood. It even smelled horrible. ¨I'll be right back, I need to find some water to clean my shirt¨ I said. They nodded. ¨Sasuke go with Sakura just in case¨ Kakashi said.

     I was about to say something but I decided that it would be useless to talk back to a perverted copycat ninja. We walked around the forest seeing a lake. I took my shirt off and began to clean the blood off of it. ¨You're not embarrassed that I'm right here watching you?¨ Sasuke asked. ¨Nope, why would I if this a part of surviving as a ninja¨ I said.

     I took the shirt from the water and rinsed it out leaving it a little musty. ¨Let's go¨ I said. ¨What if the others see you like this?¨ he asked looking at me. I shrugged. ¨It's not like I have any goods to show, as you can tell I have a flat chest like everyone says I do¨ I replied smugly.

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