Chapter 15- Kidnap

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     I grabbed my katana from my sheath. I was now facing Sasuke who was across from me by twenty yards. A smirk made it's way to my lips as it did on his. He charged at me with both arms behind his back now activating his Sharingan. "Sharingan won't work on me Uchiha" I scoffed.

     "Hn... we'll see about that" he mocked now appearing behind me. Striking at me with his sword I blocked it with a huff. Balling my hand into a fist I punched him in the stomach only to see it was a clone. Dammit! He got me! I thought facing every direction. Facing the ground a hand popped out grabbing my ankle.

     Stepping on the hand I freed myself. I turned around just in time to dodge a kicked my a millimeter. I jumped high into the air as he lunged himself to me. Punching him in the face he used his Chidori on my abdomen. I stumbled to the ground hitting my head onto the bark of the tree feeling my vision blur a bit. About to look up I felt his sword pointed to the crook of my neck.

     "I win" he said. "Hn.... not quite" I said getting up. I grabbed the sword as it cut the palm of my hand. I crashed my lips onto his taking this by surprise. I took the moment to cut him through the back. Moving away from him she smirked.

     The spar had ceased and it ended up as a tie. It was now ten at night and me being the dumbass I am, I'm training my ass off here in the forest of death. Punching the tree I kicked another with a battle cry. Jumping out the way the tree hit the ground with a loud thud. Landing on another tree I panted.

     I was beginning to work up a sweat. Just as I was about to punch another one a kunai flew past my ear cutting it a bit and some hair. I turned around just in time for a punch coming from Kabuto. "YOU JUST DON'T GIVE UP DO YOU?!" I shouted swinging a punch to his face. He stumbled back now with a broken nose.

     He charged at me trying to hit my chakra points like Neji. Punching him in the gut he hit my arm making me wince. I spun avoiding his kicks. Dammit! I thought. I bent backwards avoiding a punch to my face.

     As I began to swing a kick he hit my leg making me stumble to the ground in pain. He kicked me in the face. Then began punching me. As I grabbed his wrist I chuckled. "I think it's my turn now, right? Kabuto?" spoke my voice deeper.

     Inner took over as I now began to punch and kick repeatedly. He would dodge or actually get hit. "Hmph... I'm surprised that you actually got stronger and you're not that weakling you used to be" he scoffed. "I'M SURPRISED ASWELL BASTARD!" I shouted punching the ground. I jumped away appearing infront of him.

     Just as I raised my fist it was as if time went slow. He had hit my chakra source. Coughing blood he grabbed me by the throat pinning me to a tree. I turned into my normal self as he restrained me with all his forced. Raising my fist again he began to hit all my chakra points making blood come out from my mouth and marks appear on my body.

     "Hmmmm.... now you're coming with me" he said. He took out a needle as I began to move. Sleeping antidote I thought. He forced himself onto me injecting it onto my neck. I began to cough once more as sleep was now consuming me.

     "Sleep well, my cherry blossom" he whispered into my ear. That was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me.

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