Chapter 27- Time For Payback

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Sakura's POV
          "Okay I'm pretty sure Orochimaru has Sasuke right?" Tsunade asked. I nodded. "Okay your mission is to go to his base and bring him out of there. From what Ino told me they were going to do the transitioning in a week" she said. We nodded. "You leave in thirty minutes. Now dismissed!" Tsunade said.

           When I was the last one to leave I stopped at what she said. "Sakura... you can't change the past but you can change the present and the future" she said. I smirked as I turned my head to face her. "I know, trust me... I won't fail!" I said determined. She smiled as I left.

          I entered my home and packed. Five minutes and I was now at the gates finishing my dango. I needed all the energy I can get. The others arrived as we left at full speed. When  we arrived it was night.

         "Okay what's the plan Shikamaru?" Kiba asked. "Naruto and Sakura you go straight to finding Sasuke, Sai you attack from top, Ino, me, and Choji will go east, Neji, TenTen, and? Lee will go west, Hinata, Shino, and Kiba, you guys will go center north and try to kill Kabuto because I'm pretty sure he's the one behind most of this. Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke in the end will try to atleast injure Orochimaru and make him give up, if not kill him then" Shikamaru planned out. We nodded. "Well go in quiet because we don't know what could happen, I brought some headsets that Gai gave me just in case" TenTen said taken out some headsets. We nodded and slipped them on.

          "Okay now tell me what you're supposed to do" Shikamaru said. "Me and Naruto go straight to finding Sasuke" I replied as he nodded. "We go east" Ino's team said. "Our team goes west" Neji said. "I attack from the sky" Sai replied.

           "We'll go north" Hinata said. "Then we try to assassinate Orochimaru!" Naruto and I said standing up with a determined look on our faces. Shikamaru nodded. "Okay now go! But first out on your black clothes so it'd be hard to find us" he said. We nodded and left separate ways to change.

          Once we were done we headed towards the base. "Stay silent" I told Naruto. He nodded as we headed towards where the slaves were held. I walked on the ceiling as he used shadow clones to look everywhere. It was then when we heard yells coming from a mile away.

          "Let's go" I said pointing two fingers forward. We ran to the source and there we found Sasuke killing slaves one by one with an evil glint in his eyes. "Teme!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke looked at us and smirked. "Wait Naruto that's not him, that's Kabuto!" I yelled.

          Kabuto ran at us and tried to hit us in our Chakra points. I dodged as I then hit him a few meters away. "Hinata we've found Kabuto north east of where you guys are!" I said. "On it!" she replied as me and Naruto left to find Sasuke. "Sakura one of my clones found Sasuke, he's leading him to us so let's stay here!" Naruto said.

          I nodded and stopped running hopping onto the floor. After a while Sasuke approached us looking injured. I began to heal him. "Like Shikamaru said, let's find Orochimaru and kill him once and for all!" I said. "Yeah!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke smirked.

          "Orochimaru isn't here, he's in another base a couple of miles from here, I'll lead you towards him" Sasuke said. We smirked and followed him outside suit. When we arrived there were any sound shinobi already guarding the whole place. "Naruto for your thing!" I said. He grinned.

         "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" he yelled and about a hundred clones of himself popped out everywhere. "You two go get Orochimaru, I got this bastard!" he yelled. Not wasting time me and Sasuke ran into the small base finding ourselves in a dark room with candles stuck onto wall here and there. "Nice to sssssee you Ssssssasuke and Ssssssakura" he said from behind us. I turned around as a sword slid out of his mouth.

           I've seen him do that so many times and I still think it's Sick! said my inner throwing up. I sighed. He lunged towards me as I ducked and grabbed his foot swinging him away. Sasuke smirked. "I still can't believe how strong you've gotten" he said.

         I smirked. "Neither do I" I said. Orochimaru came back as another him came out of his body. Watching this made me gag. He went to Sasuke as him and Sasuke clashed swords.

          I waited for an opening and when I got it I went from behind only to be hit away. When I looked up there were two giant snakes. He weren't Sasuke's they were Orochimaru's, the same one that attacked us in the Chunnin Exams five years ago. One lunged at me while the other kicked my up as I grunted. "What the hell!" I said as a third came from the floor and hit me at the same time as the other one while the second one slammed me onto the floor.

          I grabbed my katana and got into stance. One lunged at me as it attacked and I blocked it. "SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled as I stabbed it's eyes. It hissed as I jumped onto it's back cutting it's head off. The other two came at me as they hit me with their tails and I slammed through the wall.

          I wonder how Sasuke could take this guy's bullshit these years. I charged forward adding Chakra to my feet and making it confused. I smirked as I cut both their heads off. I panted and looked at Orochimaru and Sasuke fight. I then charged behind Orochimaru stabbing him in the back making him his and try to stab me.

          I jumped off landing beside Sasuke. He moved forward as he stabbed him in the stomach. "Sakura now!" he yelled. I nodded as I moved forward cutting his head off. Or atleast I did because another him came out as he smirked.

          Before I could hit him he kicked me onto Sasuke making us fall back with a grunt. I grunted as I stood up. He laughed evily then threw his sword at me making it land in my stomach. Then snakes came from his hands and they wrapped around me squeezing tiht. I struggled for oxygen as he laughed harder this time and looked at Sasuke.

          "Now come with us or she dies" he said. "Sasuke you know better than to go, who cares if I die, I'd rather you go back to the damned village than stay here with that fucking pedophile!" I yelled. He smirked. "I know blossom" he said. I raised a brow as a clone of him came behind Orochimaru and stabbed him in the heart killing him.

         He came to me and cut the snakes in half with a hiss. I landed on the ground smirking. "Well we're done" I breathed out as I looked at the dead snakeman. "Let's check for the others" I said. "I'm done with my part of the mission!" Ino yelled.

          "Same here" said Hinata Neji's group. "Same here" Sai said. I smriked. "We're done here, Orochimaru is dead and Sasuke is safe with us" I said looking at my raven haired teammate. "Alright let's go home, Sakura you report the mission to Tsunade" Shikamaru said.

          "Alright I'll see you at the village, same with the others" I said. "Okay!" said the others through the headset. I grunted as bit and walked outside finding Naruto eating some ramen. "Where... did you... get that... ramen?" I asked twitching. "Hinata gave it to me before everyone else left" he replied eating.

          I slapped a hand to my face. "Whatever idiot let's go" I said. They nodded and we ran home. Man I'm beat. Well once I get home I'm sleeping since it's about to be twelve o'clock after all.

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