Chapter 32- A Misson Gone Wrong

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I felt myself move a bit as I opened my eyes seeing Naruto there grinning.

"What now?" I asked.

"Ramen for breakfast?!" he yelled.

"SHUT UP DOBE!" Sasuke yelled throwing a pillow at him which landed in Naruto's face making him fall off the bed and onto the ground.

"Go make it yourself!" I said as I tucked myself under the covers once again.

"But your Ramen is second best besides the guy at Ichiraku!" he whined as he gave me puppy dog eyes kneeling beside me on the bed.

I lifted a hand to my forehead as I moved the covers away angrily and stormed to his room which was two doors away from Sasuke and ours. I slammed the door opened and went to his book bag and pulled out two cups of Ramen. I marched to the kitchen and put water in it then put it to warm up in the microwave. I slammed the microwave door shut and walked over to him as he gulped.

"Next time do your own fucking Ramen" I menaced as he nodded back away.

I smirked and went back to my room where Sasuke was busy putting on his shirt. He turned to me as I walked passed him.

"So what's up?" he asked.

"He's so damn annoying! I just wanna- ugh!" I said throwing a kunai at the wall.

He chuckled as he took a seat beside me in the bed. I sighed as I went to grab my clothes as I began to change. Once I was done I walked to the counter where I began to make toast and grabbed some milk.
The Tema and I walked through the forest as Naruto kept talking about Hinata and him. About their relationship basically.

I just walked beside Sasuke who just stared in front of us.

"So how long until we find their base?" I asked as Kakashi turned to us.

"Just a few miles away" he said.

I nodded as I checked my weapons once again. I had all my kunais and shurikens, along with smoke bombs and poison bombs. Then I had my katana which was hooked up to my belt.

"How do we go in though?" Sasuke asked.

"By what Tsunade said... there is only two ways to get in but they're both leading to very dangerous traps that could kill you if you don't pay close attention to them" he replied.

I nodded as we continued to walk to the base where we didn't know we had it.
Sasuke and I stood on a tree while Kakashi and Naruto stood on another which was across the whole base. We were planning to go in both ways in partners in order to try and find our targets easily.

"Okay, let's go we don't have much time!" Kakashi said through our head sets.

Nodding to each other Sasuke and I grabbed our katanas and charged inside the base running at full speed. Dodging traps or blocking we made our way through a hall that seemed like a maze. An axe swung at both of us as I sent chakra to my fist and punched it breaking it into shards.

"Nice one, let's go" Sasuke said as we began to run again.

I ducked, side stepped, punched, and kicked all the traps as Sasuke did the same. We stopped when there were to ways.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I made a clone.

He did the same as we went separate with a clone of the other. Sasuke's clone and I ran down the halls when all of a sudden rumbles were heard and then it stopped. I stopped and so did the clone as we looked around. Then a crash was heard as dust surrounded the whole place. I covered my face as I tried to stop the dust from getting into my eyes.

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