Chapter 7- Escape

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Sakura's POV
I woke up in hanging on a cold surface. The room seemed dim. The only light was the one to my right. I lifted my head and looked at my arms. They had chakra seals attached to them.

I struggled to get them off of me. "That's not gonna work" spoke a voice. It was Kabuto but his voice seemed a bit deeper do to the room. "Why am I here?!" I yelled glaring at him. He walked closer to me as he unchained the metal chains from the wholes on the wall.

I was about to punch him until he grabbed my fist gripping it tightly. I held back a scream as he squeezed my hand. Thanks to the chakra seals I couldn't withstand the pain going through my body. He let go and grabbed a kunai. "Walk and be a good gir, or else" he said pointing the weapon towards me.

I grunted at this as I walked forwards. We entered a room and there Orochimaru lay on his bed. "Well if it isn't Sssssssakura" he said. I shivered a bit by how he pronounced my name. "Why. Am. I. Here?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"You're going to heal my armssssssss" he replied. I scoffed as I turned away. "What makes you think that I would do that" I asked smirking. Kabuto smirked as he gripped the kunai tighter. "Fine but atleast release the seals a bit, let me gain chakra, then I'll heal you" I said.

He nodded as I began to feel chakra enter my veins. I had enough to break the whole building up. I made sure that they were distracted to peal of the seals. After I finished I charged at Kabuto as he began to seal the chakra drainers. Luckily they were off so I punched him sending him back.

I ran out the room and out the lair towards the leaf village. I felt a Chakra source nearby and quickened my pace. I stopped as Kabuto ran past me. I hid my chakra and ran again. I made it halfway through the forest and met up with Kabuto.

He charged at me and threw his kunai towards me. I blocked it and punched the ground. He threw a group of weapons at different parts of my body. I blocked as I got cut on my arms, knee, and cheek. I infused chakra to my fist and punched him sending him back.

I took this as the time to beat the crap out of him. I punched him in the face repeatedly making blood ooze out his nose and stain my knuckles. After punching him for the twentieth time I made sure he was knocked out. Checking his heart beat it was going down a bit. I stood up and grabbed a kunai.

Just in case I did the most meanest thing. I made his wounds worse by plunging the sharp weapon in his gut. I smirked and ran back to my location. When I arrived I received greeting from some villagers and some confused gazes. I walked towards the Hokage's tower.

When I arrived I was greeted with Shizune gasping and her beginning to heal my wounds. "What happened?!" Tsunade yelled. "Kabuto and Orochimaru kidnapped me for my power, I escaped being chased by Kabuto, we fought, I beat him up, plunged a kunai in his guts, then I'm here" I replied. She nodded. "We're glad you're safe. We were going to send the Anbu Black Opps team after you but then again my apprentice has won the battle" she said.

I smirked and Shizune had already finished healing me. She got up and sighed. "Well I'm gonna go home see ya'" I said waving. I walked down the streets as Naruto ran up to me with a Sasuke staring blankly at us behind him. As I moved a bit ignoring the hug Naruto was gonna give me making him hug Hinata who popped out of nowhere.

I chuckled and looked at Sasuke. "So how was the kidnap?" he asked. I shrugged. "Cool I guess, managed to escape well" I said. As I stared into his coal colored eyes I could see a tiny of luster in them.

I looked at the other two to find them making out. You should do the same thing with a certain Uchiha said my inner. Heck, he can kiss my ASS! I thought. I waved a hand at them walking away. I kept remembering the last full look in his eyes.

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