Chapter 20- Birthday

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Sakura's POV
          I sat up in my bed. Today was going to be a pain in the ass and I knew it. WHOOT WHOOT BIRTHDAY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! yelled inner. That's why I hate today already. I threw myself beck onto my laying position as I sighed deeply.

          Going back to sleep there was a knock on the door and of course it was the blond yelling for me to come out. I got up and barricaded the whole place. I didn't want to see anyone at all. As I was about to go back into my room there was a bang followed by a crash. "YOU ASS HOLE WHY'D YOU HAVE TO THROW ME LIKE THAT?!" Naruto yelled glaring at Sasuke with a vein popped.

          "Hn, dobe" Sasuke replied. I groaned reminding them I was there. They looked at me as I stuck a middle finger at them and left to my room. Hopping onto my bed I groaned in frustration making the pillow warm. I heard the door open and in came my two teammates and surprisingly Sai was there too.

          "What's wrong?" Naruto asked. "It's my birthday" I replied. "Sorry what?" he asked. "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled throwing a pillow at the wall. The sweatdropped as I shooed them away.

           "Why do you not like your birthday, ugly?" Sai asked. My vein popped as I punched him out the house. "I hate my birthday cause everyone is so annoying" I replied throwing my head back to the bed. Sasuke sighed as he left the house.Naruto grabbed me dragging me to somewhere I don't know.

          To be honest I'm to bummed out to even fight back so I just let him keep going. After a few minutes of being dragged I was placed onto a stool and here I am in Ichiraku. "Eat up!" he said putting a thumbs up. I slid off the stool and left to the training grounds. I began to train as I felt my chest tightened.

          Actually the real reason that I don't like my birthday is the worst reason of all. Two years ago it was my birthday and what happened made me hate Sasuke.
          I  ran to my house excitedly as I ran towards the kitchen finding all my friends there along with the Senseis and my parents. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they shouted. "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" I shouted back as I bear hugged hem. We had ate and then it was time to open presents. Just as I slid the paper covering what was underneath it here was a loud bang followed by shrill screams of the villagers.

           My friends and I ran out of the house finding Team Taka and my one and only crush was there, Sasuke Uchiha. I along with the others charged at the group of four trying to stop them. Punching the ground with all my might I earned a punch in the gut from a red head. "Get out the way bitch!" she yelled. I scowled at her as I returned a punch in the face and a punch in the gut along with a kick in the rib making her fly a few meters away.

          As I looked up to where Sasuke was a moment ago there was just an empty space and no one was around but me. Wait I have to see if my parents are okay! I thought in panick. I wasted no time in running to my house. Spreading chakra to my feet I ran my hardest to home. Slamming the door open I walked down the living room.

          The only thing I could hear were the thumps and clicks of my feet against the floorboards. Just as I was about to enter the kitchen there was a shrill scream followed by a thud and crash. I ran towards the direction it came from finding myself in my room. There he was, Sasuke was holding a Katana at the throats of my parents. "SASUKE WHAT HE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted as I grabbed a kunai of my own.

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