Chapter 21- Team 7 Once Again (Part 1/2)

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Sakura's POV
          Never will I forgive him. But he's my teammate so I can't avoid him at all that's a problem. As I made my way to the Hokage's Tower to deliver some papers I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. Sometimes I ask myself why I love you so... Those words could leave me in shock and that's exactly what it did.

          I entered the office seeing the rest of Team Seven there. "Sakura! The girl we need! How about a mission as Team Seven again?" Tsunade asked. "Okay" I replied as I approached her and set the papers on her desk. "Okay your mission is to kill a man by the name of Leo Diop(don't judge the made up name!) and it'd be best to find him in the Hidden Mist Village" she said. We nodded as I grabbed the sake I bought for her.

          "Here" I said showing it to her. "YES!" she yelled and snatched it away from me immediately drinking it. "When do we leave?" Sasuke asked. "In three hours" she replied. We nodded and left.

          "So Sakura why'd you accept the mission?" Naruto asked. "What? Is it a crime if I want one?" I asked not bothering to look his way. "Oh" he said. I slid out another bottle of sake I had bought for myself. "Sakura what-" Kakashi began until I began to drink the burning liquid.

          I finished it and slid it back into my pack. "You drink?" Naruto asked. "Yeah what's wrong with that?" I asked smirking. "Nothing, didn't know you had in you to do something like that" he said. "Tsk" I said and disappeared in a swirl of cherry blossoms.

          I entered my home and packed. I then took a shower. I slipped on some comfy black Anbu pants and shirt that Tsunade gave me. I slipped on my boots and put on my head band but this time I let it hang around loosely on my neck. Sitting on my couch I read a book until it was time to leave.

          Soon it was time to leave. I grabbed my book bag and grabbed my four healing and Ninjutsu scrolls tying them on my belt. I grabbed my katana and slid it on my thigh. Disappearing in a swirl of cherry blossoms I made my way to the gates of the village. Four minutes to go.

           I waited then the others had arrived and as usual Kakashi was late but it was only Naruto who scolded him while I stayed quiet. "Let's go!" Naruto yelled as he walked ahead of us. I sighed and slid my hands in my pockets following silently. Nothing to do I grabbed my medical book and began to read. I was also training while we were walking.

          We had been walking for five hours straight and were now taking a break. I excused myself to go and fill the canteen with water in the lake nearby. But I was actually trying something new. I stood in the middle of the lake. Concentrating chakra I created a vortex and then made it attack a tree breaking everything that came it's way.

          Once I was done I ran back to the others and found them already standing up. "Okay" I said. They nodded and we continued our mission. After a few more hours we were now close to the Hidden Mist Village since it was snowing heavily. I slipped on my jacket and took cautious steps so I wouldn't slip and fall.

          After all we were on a mountain and by the looks of it one fall could be fatal. As we walked Naruto being the idiot slipped and acting quick I grabbed a group of kunais plunging them onto his shirt making him hang onto wall. I made three clones of myself and helped him up after retrieving my weapons. Continuing the mission I shivered a bit. Soon a blizzard came and we had to look for a cave.

           As the other made a fire I trained silently in a corner alone until Sasuke sat beside me watching. I ignored him and continued. I set the book down and tried to warm my hands even if I had gloves they didn't do any good really. As I was about to breath a hotly onto them Sasuke grabbed them outline it towards him as he warmed them up with a small black fire on his palm. He smirked as I let his palm do the job.

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