Chapter 14- Bloody Blossom (INNER SHOWS HER TRUE SELF)

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     I was standing across from Naruto on the feild. Kakashi and Sasuke had already finished their spar and it ended up with a tie. He charged at me with a kunai in hand as I deflected his attack with my Katana. He grinned as I felt another sense of chakra behind me. Kicking him I turned around stabbing the clone.

     Just as it disappeared I found myself surrounded by more than two hundred clones. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath. I charged forward cutting some making an escape. As they all ran towards me I punched the ground making it crumble. Half of the clones disappeared as the others tackled me to the floor.

    I punched them away from me making them disappear as the real Naruto stared shocked at me now bruised up a bit. I charged at him as he charged at me too. I made a chakra filled fist as he came at me with a rasengan in hand. His hand connected with my stomach as mines went straight to his face. We flew back as he stumbled to a floor and I went through some trees.

     SHANNARO! LET ME AT HIM NOW! UNLEASH ME NOW! yelled my inner. I smirked standing up. Letting her take over I felt a new amount of chakra run through my veins. I infused chakra to my feet as I ran towards Naruto. He stared shock at me as I infused ten times more chakra into my fist punching him sending him out of the training grounds.

     Kakashi and Sasuke stared at me. I ran out the training grounds after Naruto. Soon there were sounds of explosions throughout the village and screams. Inner go back Now! I demanded. Hmph! Fine but next time I won't she pouted.

     I looked ahead of me seeing scared villagers and an unconscious blond. I walked over to him as the villagers eyed me with fear and horror. I couldn't believe that inner actually did this. I picked him up slinging him over my shoulder. I turned around and smirked.

     "Don't worry the hero isn't dead" I said. I couldn't believe that his whole time I had incredible power in me. Inner you could have told me sooner that you had power. We would have been stars in this village I said glaring daggers at myself. But I'd cause the same damage in other places she replied. I entered the hospital laying him on the bed.

     I began to heal him as I grabbed some bandages. Wrapping him up I exited the room met with a smirking Sasuke. "Tomorrow morning, eight o'clock, training grounds, spar with me, don't hold back" he said. "Okay see you then Uchiha" I said with confidence in my voice. This was going to be interesting.

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