Chapter 24

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Sorry for the huge gap between chapters I've been crazy busy with things and I forgot to upload this sooner... I hope you enjoy

Hiccup POV

I had sent Shadow to get Astrid hours ago and she still wasn't back so I was still waiting. That's when Snotlout ran over huffing completely out of breath. "Hiccup... beach... south..." he panted. I followed him to the south side of the island to a small beach.

I saw a boat which had been wrecked and washed up on the shore "there's someone under there" he added. Something felt oddly familiar but I couldn't leave whoever was under there to fend for themselves. I knew being on an island with dragons would be a surprise if they found out on their own.

It was a girl, as soon as I saw her I remembered why it had seemed so familiar. I remembered when I first met Heather, she had been washed up on the shore of Berk after being attacked by Dagur and his armada. We let her stay and the rest is history but this was different.

I helped her from under the wreckage "hello, I'm Hiccup" I introduced myself "we aren't going to hurt you" I added when she looked scared. It wasn't long before I realised why she looked scared "it's okay, that's Toothless he won't hurt you either"

"I'm Amber" she replied cautiously. She slowly made her way out of the wreckage and stood next to me "where am I?" She asked confused. I smiled "this is Dragons Edge, you can stay if you want" I said as she edged her way closer to me or away from Snotlout, it was hard to tell.

Just curious... how do you guys think things are gonna go down between Heather Astrid and new girl Amber??

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