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A/N: Ok guys I'll get right to the story just if you have any questions, comments, and hopefully no complaints but if you do please R&R


Scott's POV
   The drive was silent. I could just barely hear Stiles' heartbeat in the backseat so I drove 20mph the speed limit. Anything to get Stiles to Deaton's. I look over and I see Lydia deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb her.

Lydia's POV
   I was deep in thought. I kept thinking about what would happen to Stiles, I kept thinking about how I couldn't lose him. He looked so pale in the back seat. He had dark purple circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in weeks; which is probably right. We pulled into Deaton's and thankfully it's way past business hours for anyone to be here. Following behind us is my car with everyone else shuffling out.

Kira's POV
   On our way to Deaton's everyone was silent. I was just thinking about how all of this happened.  Why did Stiles have to suffer? Its weird because he's the most human in the pack yet he seems to get hurt the most. Not that he's weak or anything its just ironic in a way. As the car stops we all head over to Scott, Lydia and Stiles. He looks even more pale than we left which makes the dark bags look even worse and his hair is disheveled.Isaac and Deaton help Scott get Stiles out of the car while I also see Ethan getting off his motorcycle with Derek in his car trailing behind them. We all went into the clinic seeing Scott, Isaac, and Deaton set him on the table. I hear another car pull into the driveway and see Melissa and the Sheriff practically running through the door.

Sheriff's POV
   I got in the car with Melissa when she pulled into the driveway. We didn't need to say anything; Melissa understood- she been there for not only Stiles but also me. As we pulled into Deaton's I ran into the clinic frantically." Stiles! Stiles!" Was all I could make out. I saw him on the table looking like he was already dead. No. No this couldn't happen again, I lost Claudia- my wife I can't lose Stiles. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Melissa. Her face was comforting just like how she was when Claudia died. I see her going over to Deaton and Scott and talking but I was to caught up with Stiles to listen.


A/N: Fin with this chapter. I know it's short I just hope its alright with everyone and please R&R

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