The BIG GAME (pt. 2)

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A/N: I will keep this author's note short so you can get back to reading where I left off. Just remember that the characters belong to Jeff Davis.


Stiles's POV

The whistle blew and the ball was up. I was abruptly pushed back by the other team while they got possession of the ball. They raced with the ball in a formation and was able to bypass our defense line and scored a goal.

"Come on you idiots move," Coach screamed waving his arms in the air like the lunatic he is.

The other team scored on us 4 more times and Coach screamed at us about twice as much as that. Luckily for us Scott scored 3 points and Isaac scored 2 points with my help; tying the score. 

"Time out, time out," Coach yelled and then the referee blew the whistle. We all scrambled off the field and huddled up. 

"Alright you princesses, we need one more point to win the game. I don't care what you have to do just win the game alright you little girls or I swear you will wish you never signed up for lacrosse. Got it?" 


"Stilinski if you open your god forsaken mouth I will make you never want to open you mouth again." Coach interrupted and then the whistle blew signaling that the timeout was over.

Scott and Isaac were already on the field in ready position. I glanced over at my dad and I see Lydia next to him. Scott's mom is sitting next to my dad and Kira is on the other side of Melissa. I wave to my dad and he waves back with a smile. I peer over at Lydia and she gives me a thumbs up. Suddenly I'm filled with a new vote of confidence and I run out to the field and take a stance. 

The other team gets the ball right off the bat but thanks to Danny, Scott gets the ball and starts racing  in the other direction. Isaac is making a path for Scott so he can score and I just kinda stood off to the side in case he needed help. I was very excited to finally get on the field yet I was very nervous that I might fox out and people might get hurt. Scott was about to score when pretty much a rock giant came up and knocked him and Isaac off their feet. The ball fell out of his mesh and rolled to me feet.

There was a pause for a second and I didn't fully register the ball was there until the rock giant and everyone else on the other team charged towards me. I did the only thing that came natural to me.

I ran

I picked up the ball and ran. I did a pivot to trick the giant rock and then I was able to dodge some of the other players while my team fended off the rest. Scott and Isaac were some of the people helping clear me a path to get to the goal. I knew time was running out; I had to figure out a way to get the ball in the goal. An idea quickly popped into my head as I was running and dodging the other team. 

I pulled my arm back and then I flung the ball forward like a catapult. The ball was flying through the air and towards the goal. 


Flying through the air and..


The ball missed the goal and hit the post instead. The whistle thankfully didn't blow yet even thought the other team thinking they won the game raised their sticks to celebrate. What they didn't know is that the ball hit the post and bounced off one of the other team's stick. The ball rolled off the stick and kept rolling until it rolled right into the goal. 

The time ended and the whistle was blown. The score board changed ending the game at 6:5. Our team erupted into cheers and everybody rushed onto the field to celebrate. I saw my dad, Melissa stand up when the whistle was blown. I guess they weren't thinking because of a whim they hugged each other, I couldn't help but laugh. Kira and Lydia both rushed onto the field to join the celebration. Some of the guys; Danny, Ethan, Isaac, Scott lifted me on their shoulders and started shouting. 



After a minute they set me down and went to their girlfriends; or boyfriends. I glanced at Scott to see him and Kira kissing. Ethan, Danny, and Isaac were laughing and roughing it out with some of the other guys. I scanned the people on the field looking for Lydia. I didn't see Lydia but I did see Coach with a bottle which I could only guess to be whisky. I inspected the stands and saw my dad and Melissa talking again, but I could of sworn I saw a slight blush on both of their cheeks. I kept searching and then finally I saw the strawberry blonde hair over the sea of blondes, blacks, and brown haired people.

"Lydia," I screamed at the top of my lungs trying my best to get past the rest of the team.

"Stiles!" Lydia replied. I could see her hair bobbling towards my direction. I'm sure I look  ridiculous with all my gear on, sweating, with googly eyes and and idiotic face rushing in Lydia's direction. 

I kept running in her direction until we bumped into each other in the middle of the field. I just stared at her for a minute taking in her features. He beautiful strawberry blonde hair and her pale green eyes that compliment her skin tone perfectly. I admired her full lips, and how she always composes herself and how smart and kind she is. 

"Lydia there's something I-" I was cut off when Lydia pushed her lips to mine. 

I was shocked to say the least. We parted lips and I could see that her face was a mix of nerves, anxiety, and hope. Something I usually don't see on her face. We looked each other in the eyes; like trying to see into each other's soul. No words were exchanged, we just stood and stared.

"Stiles I jus-" Lydia started to explain but I cut her off with a kiss. 

I couldn't believe what I was doing. First, Lydia Martian kissed me; and now I'm kissing her back. My crush since the 3rd grade is kissing me! I laced my fingers in her hair while her hand traveled to my back. Our kiss was full of passion. I pulled apart for breathe and all we could do was smile at each other and join the rest of our pack with our fingers intertwined with each other.


A/N: This took a while to write because I really wanted to get STYDIA right which I hope I did. I hope to include some Melissa and Sheriff in later chapters so any ideas on how to bring that up please leave a comment or just leave a comment because you liked my story. Either way please R&R.


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