What Now!

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A/N: I'M going to skip the author's note so you can go straight to reading this story, just remember that all the characters belong to Jeff Davis.


Stiles' POV

I was speechless.

I couldn't believe that the werefox pack would go this far.

Killing innocent people! 

I could tell the pack was sneaking glances at me. I just stared at the body, it was my fault. Chris was the first to break out of his trance and turned the body that was laying on it's stomach before. The body was a teenage girl who I recognized from school. Her name was Gwen, she had darker skin tone with dark brown hair.

The tension in the air was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife.

"I can't believe the alpha pack would go this far," Scott stated looking over at me.

"Yeah, well we probably should do something about the girl," Peter commented appearing out of nowhere and right behind me making my hair's hair stand up. However I was too caught up with Gwen to comment on the stalking skills of Peter.

"I'll call my dad," I claimed as I took out my phone.

"That's a good idea. I'll look around the perimeter, see if the pack left a trail I can track," Chris decided .

"We'll come with you and see if we can grab a scent," Ethan suggested pointing to him and Isaac. Chris just nodded and those three were out the door. 

I just stared at the body, Gwen was dead because of me! Gwen won't be able to go to college, or get married, or even spend a night with her sister. Oh god her sister! Who will explain what happened to Gwen? This is all my fault. I was lost in thought when Scott sneaked up on me. 

"What now, how are we going to explain this to Gwen's family? What are we going to do with the werefox pack?" I  cried 

"Hey bro, this is not your fault," Scott argued

"We don't know that though, Scott. If I didn't say no to the pack then maybe Gwen would still be here." I shouted starting to get fed up with the Alpha Pack

"We'll stop them Stiles, we won't let them win," Scott countered 

"How Scott, how? You saw how strong they are, there're not going to rest until I join them." I rebuked raising my voice.

"Stiles I know what your thinking, your not handing yourself over." Scott confirmed; his voice low and calm but a hint of anger hidden beneath the surface. 

"What else can we do! They will keep killing and killing, and who knows maybe they might go after you. Or Lydia!" I screamed. I couldn't take it anymore, all I was seeing was grief and anger. I just broke down into tears.

Scott's POV

I couldn't handle seeing Stiles like this; my best friend, brother acting like this. Derek went into another room when the fight started. The girls stopped what they were doing and looked between Stiles and I.

"Stiles," I started saying; trying to be gentle and calming

"Hey, we will figure this out. We always do," I kept going.

"I ju-just  don't think I cou-could deal with losing y-you, Lydia, hell even sour wolf." Stiles stammered with a laugh at the end of that sentence.

"Stiles," I looked over to see Lydia coming over and placing a comforting hand on his shoulders. "You are not leaving me because we just started going out and I will literally bring you back from the dead and smack you if you even think about leaving me." Lydia teased 

"Got it babe," Stiles joked

"You always had my back so now I'm going to return the favor." I smiled 

"I know we really don't know each other but you seem like the kind of friend that will never leave someone behind so I'm going to try to be that friend too." Kira encouraged.

"Come here little sis," Stiles joked opening his arms out for a hug which Kira happily accepted.  Lydia soon jumped in after Kira then I couldn't resist and dove in shortly after.

"Awww guys I feel so love," I could hear Stiles' muffled voice teasing.

"Let's gets this Hug Fest over with so we can make a plan to stop this Alpha Pack once and for all." I turned around to see Derek; arms folded over and his face is plastered with a serious face.

"Well then what's the plan, sour wolf?" Stiles asked with a smirk.


A/N: Another long chapter! I'm trying to get back to my update every weekend I've been trying to catch up on NETFLIX and sleeping so.... Comment on whether you want a sequel crossover with Supernatural or The Flash. Please R&R


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