Back to School

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A/N: I'm back guys and hopefully so are you guys too. I'm trying to think about maybe doing a sequel when I'm done with the story so tell me what you guys think. I want to do a crossover so comment on what story you want me to cross this story over with. Just remember all the characters belong to the genius Jeff Davis. Without further a due....


Stiles' POV

I was nervous to say the least about going back to school. I guess the rest of the pack could tell I was nervous too.

"Stiles don't worry we all have your back." Scott said and patted me a on the back. We were relaxing while we took a break from training. Kira and Lydia were working with Mr. Creepy pants while the werewolves worked with me.

"Alright lets get back to training. Stiles do you think you could try to shift for us?" Derek asked.

I nodded and I got into a stance and I closed my eyes and I looked deep into my new found fox and tried to bring it out. After an awkward pause I was about to give up then I felt it. I don't know how to explain it. I felt wild yet cunning. I somehow could hear everything from Lydia's heartbeat to the squirrel climbing up the tree about half a mile away. It felt unbelievable. I opened my eyes and I noticed that everyone was looking down at me; wait looking down at me? I looked down at myself to see a gleaming red coat with a soft white coat; like snow on my chest. I glanced up at my Pack to see their reaction.

"Oh my god Stiles you are adorable!" What! I shouldn't be adorable I thought as someone scooped me up and cradled my like a baby. I tried to wriggle out of someone;my guess Kira's grasp. I could hear snickers from the guys behind me and I tried to glared at them but I just made it worst in the end.

"Why don't you try to shift back now Stiles?" Derek commented. Kira put me down (never thought I have to think that) and I grunted as I closed my eyes finding my human side and bringing out. I felt the same thing as I did when I changed into a fox, so I looked up to see Scott with a towel and an extra pair of clothes.

"Thanks Scott" as I quickly put my underwear and pants on before the girls could see anything. I always kept extra clothes and bats in the back of my jeep ever since Scott shifted back into a human naked.

"Why don't we all head home it's getting late?" Isaac suggested as I came from behind Scott fully clothed (A/N: Sorry, no shirtless Stiles. YET.) We all hoped into our cars; Scott and Isaac are with me while Kira rode with Lydia.

Scott's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned as I turned over to turn my alarm off. Today was the first day back to school ans I was nervous about Stiles. I remember when I was first t a werewolf but I had Stiles with me to help me through everything. Now it's my time to pay him back; I got ready in record time and went down stairs to see my mom putting some toast on the table. I heard the usual honk from a blue beaten up jeep I've gown fond of.

"Thanks Mom," I managed to shout as I run out the door with the piece of toast shoved in my mouth and to Stiles'jeep. As I got in the passenger side I see Stiles and could already smell the anxiety off of him.

"Hey man don't worry you have a pack to back you up today." I encouraged.

"Thanks man," Stiles replied turning his face and cracked one of those famous Stilinski smiles. The rest of the car ride was spent thinking of excuses to say if we every need them.

We pulled into the parking lot and Stiles and I saw Lydia, Kira, sitting outside the school at our picnic table. Stiles and I headed to the table as we heard two motorcycles coming. I turned my head to see; no doubt Ethan's bike, but was confused about who would be riding the second bike? They both stopped and took off their helmets. The mystery rider surprise me; it was Isaac. Isaac has been living with Derek and Peter while Derek sort of took him under his wing. Ethan and Isaac walked over to our table.

"Hey guys," Ethan said casually as he dropped his helmet and bag on the ground and sat down with Isaac following.

"When did you learn to ride Isaac?" Lydia was the first to ask what we were all thinking.

"I knew always knew the basics but I never had a bike to ride." Isaac stated. We all nodded alright with "biker Isaac". "Ready for school Stiles?" Asked Kira clearly seeing his distressed.

"Yeah, ready as a duck in a Chinese restaurant." Stiles retorted. You have to love his sarcasm sometimes.

"We all have your back Stiles," Kira declared "Yeah, at least one of us have every class with you." Isaac noted along with a nod from Ethan and a comforting hand from Lydia. When their hands touch I could literally see Stiles' face go beet red.

"You guys are the best pack a werefox could ask for." I gave him a reassuring smile as the bell rang for us to get to class. My pack and I walked into school; unknown to us that there were a set of bright orange eyes watching them.


A/N: Another long chapter. I'm thinking about doing shorter chapters which might be hard for me but I'll; so until then. Please R&R


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