A New Pack in Town

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A/N: I'm on a roll guys with the updates. I hope to update another chapter tomorrow and then we'll see what the week brings us. All characters belong to the genius Jeff Davis. Happy Reading!


Lydia's POV

I was finishing up my homework when my phone buzzed with a pack text. Pack meeting @ Derek's loft @ 9:00. I looked at the time it was 8:40; I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and headed out the door. I told my mom I was meeting friends and I heard a muffled "ok" when I was outside. The air was crisp and fresh in the night. It was calming; you would have never guessed that Beacon Hills is the beacon for everything supernatural.

I drove to Derek's seeing Stiles' jeep and Scott's and Ethan's bike already parked. I figured that Kira rode with Scott seeing there were two helmets resting on Scott's seat. I walked into the loft and noticed Chris; something that had to do with hunters maybe? I thought.

"OK now that we're all here Chris and I have some bad new." Derek announced. There was a pause then Stiles (being Stiles) "Well then get on with it sour wolf," he joked.

"Alright Stiles, there seems to be another pack in Beacon Hills." Derek answered. "I thought it was something awful; but its just another pack. We just need to go and tell them were still the alpha pack. Right?" Ethan offered.

"Not quite, the pack doesn't see to be all werewolves." Chris injected. "What's that suppose to mean?" Isaac questioned.

"It means that the alpha pack is a fox pack and their looking for their final member." An eerie voice from behind us spoke. I whirled around with the rest of the to see Peter with his creepy face.

"What do you mean, Mr. Disturbing?" Stiles skeptically asked with an eyebrow raised. I swear he can't go 2 minutes without being his funny, sarcastic self.

"What I mean is that there is another in town which will stop at nothing to get you to join them," Peter deadpanned.

"Quit it guys, we need to think about our next move." Scott intervened.

"Scott's right lets just focus on how to drive the pack out of town." Derek stated. Isaac and Ethan nodded, while Stiles and Peter were having a glaring contest. Kira stayed pretty quiet still being the newest member of our pack. All I knew is that things in Beacon Hills will never be the same.


A/N: A nice little chapter for Saturday morning. Or at least that's the time zone I'm in. I think I'm going to do more chapters this length. Hope this chapter will hold you off until maybe another update tomorrow. Please R&R


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