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A/N: I'm thinking about maybe doing a sequel to this story and maybe the sequel can be a crossover with like Supernatural or something so just comment on any suggestions. I will finish this story however before I start writing the sequel. Well you'll probably want to read on! Remember all characters belong to Jeff Davis.


Lydia's POV

I couldn't believe what happened, I kissed Stiles Stilinski. And he kissed me back! I squeaked like a school girl at the thought of it. I sat on the edge of my bed in my silk pj's thinking how I ended up like this. I mean it's kinda crazy one minute I'm the queen bee of the school with an a*s jock as a boyfriend and now I belong to a pack of werewolves, kitsune, and now a werefox. As I thought about how different my life is I got into bed and drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone ringing. I force myself out of bed and start my usual routine; I picked out a navy blue dress with red flowers. I added some wedges to the dress and put on some natural makeup that makes my green eyes pop even more. I'm in my car with a coffee to go in 20 minutes and on my way to school. On my way to school I started thinking about Stiles and the kiss. I felt like fireworks were exploding from the kiss; that nothing else compared to how it felt to kiss the infamous Stiles Stilinski. 

Speaking of Stiles; I saw his blue jeep parked in the parking lot as I pulled up to school. I walked to the usual picnic table that the Pack meets at everyday before school to discuss supernatural stuff. I saw Scott, Kira, Ethan, Isaac, and Stiles. I could feel my smile reach my ears as I laid my eyes on Stiles. 

Stiles POV 

Once I saw Lydia my face lit up I had a huge grin plastered on my face. I know, I know I probably look like an idiot. Scott and Kira were laughing and giggling about something they said to each other and Ethan and Isaac were talking about gods know what. I waved to Lydia and she walked over to the table.

"Hey Lydia," I greeted

"Hey Stiles," she replied

" We need to talk about what happened at the gam-" I started saying then was interrupted.

"I enjoyed it Stiles. What about you?" Lydia cooed. 

My jaw drooped. 

"Yeah, yeah,yeah," I kept blubbering like an idiot. Lydia just giggled at me; god I love her laugh. I leaned in until it was only centimeters separating our lips. I could feel her cool minty breathe on my face, I looked into her beautiful green eyes that I love to look into.

"So I guess that makes us an item?" I asked and stated at the same time. Lydia raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"We don't to be item, we could just be partners, or companions, or even like a brother sis-" I was cut off by soft, strawberry lip gloss lips connecting with mine. 

Lydia's POV

I couldn't take it anymore I cut Stile off and put my lips on mine. I saw his eyes widen then he finally caught on and latched his arms around my waist, I tangled my fingers in his soft brown hair. We heard  the bell ring and we broke apart to see the rest of the pack staring at us like we came from another world, which wouldn't surprise us as much as it should.

"When did this happen?" Ethan teased wriggling his eyebrow.

"Knock it off wolfie,"Stiles retorted with his famous smirk.

"Alright everyone Pack meeting at Derek's after school." Scott announced,we all nodded and headed to our class.

***************************************Time Skip**********************************************

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