Attack at the School

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A/N: I'm thinking about doing a sequel to this story when I'm done. I want to do a crossover with another TV show as the sequel so I want to know what you guys think about that? I was thinking supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, or any other TV show you guys can come up with that I'm familiar  with. Leave a comment below. All characters belong to Jeff Davis.


Stiles' POV

I still felt dazed after the pack meeting. I mean; after you learn that a vicious werefox pack that is fulled of alphas is after you what else could you expect? I drove home and I could tell that my dad was still at work so I just made some salad and left a bowl for him in the refrigerator and headed to my room. I went to my desk to research more about werefoxes and I guess I must have fell asleep at one point because the next time I woke up I was on the floor and I had pages of paper with information on werefoxes stuck to my face be drool. "Stiles get ready... not again," I heard him mumble as he closed the door. I got up and took a quick shower put on a "clean" white shirt and a plaid shirt over it with a pair of jeans and sneakers. I looked at my phone and I saw the time. SH*T! I'm going to be so late for school. I raced downstairs and quickly grab an apple from the bowl a yell a goodbye to my dad as I'm out the door.

As I drove to school my thought about the pack meeting we had the other night. I mean; an alpha werefox pack is after me. Usually it's Scott,Derek, Lydia or someone else from the pack. Never me; and I was completely fine with that. 

I pulled into the school's parking lot seeing the rest of the pack sitting at the picnic table. No doubt talking about what happened last night.

"Hey guys," I said as I sat down next to Scott and Lydia; "Whattacha talking about?" I asked.

"Just thinking about how there's another pack in Beacon Hills, I mean not just a normal werewolf pack but a werefox pack. I mean a freaking werefox pack! WEREFOX!" Isaac was voicing in a loud whisper.

"Keep it down Isaac," Lydia warned. I couldn't help but laugh at Isaac as he pouted.

As the bell rang meaning that it was time was Advance Biology with Lydia. Lydia and I walked into Biology I had a strange feeling in my gut. I ignored it though when Mr. Salvatore began talking about our next assignment which is to; ironically photograph pictures of animals in their natural habitat in Beacon Hills. Mr. Salvatore gave us the choice of partners so I walked over to Lydia and we began to discuss the project when that same gut feeling came to me again.

"Stiles you alright?" Lydia questioned as she gave me a puzzled look.

"Yeah yeah yeah, just got this wired feeling like something is going to happen," I replied. Before I could say anything else; BANG! Everyone was startled by the loud noise and rose from their seats.

"Alright alright everyone stay here. Don't move until I get back." Mr. Salvatore commanded before he and other teachers doing the same thing; checking the hallways to find the source.

Right when Mr. Salvatore left all the students were on their phones or went to talk to their friend. Lydia and I shared a glance and I took out my phone and I texted Scott.

Did you feel that bang?

Scott texted back immediately. Yeah do you know whats it's about?

Don't know but I have this gut feeling it's about that werefox pack. I texted.

You and Lydia meet me and the rest of the pack in the library. Scott texted.

Ok man. I replied and Lydia and I sneaked out of the room which was pretty easy and made it to the library. Everyone else was there and looked as worried as I did.

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