A New Way to Kill Me

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A/N: OK so I lucked out guys with two snow days and then Thanksgiving Break so I have a total of seven days off until I go back to school. I am going to try to update on weekends from on because of school work, and volleyball. On with the story that Jeff Davis owns the characters to.


Scott's POV

I turned my back for a second then the next thing I know my best friend; brother is on the floor with the syringe in his neck. Lydia rushes to Stiles' side and keeps talking to him. I was just staring at Stiles with a blank void in my eyes.

"Scott what are we gonna do?" I heard Kira ask; that snapped me back to reality.

"I'm calling Deaton right now," I said already having the phone to my ear.

"Hello Scott anything I can help you with?" Deaton questioned.

"Deaton it's Stiles, he was injected with a lime green ooze," I exclaimed.

"Scott bring Stiles to the clinic right away." Deaton replied then the phone went dead.

As I turned back around and see Lydia and Kira circled around Stiles; both of them talking to Stiles while Lydia is shaking him trying to wake him up. I see Isaac and Ethan coming around the corner with no werefox in their possession.

"Couldn't find a sent,tracks or anything on the werefox pack." Ethan fumed not liking that they ambushed them one bit.

"How's Stiles?" Isaac quipped.

"I don't know but we should get him to Deaton's," I inform while signaling Ethan and Isaac to help me get Stiles into his jeep.

"Call Chris and Derek and tell them to meet us at Deaton," I said to Kira. Lydia still was by Stiles side and was getting the doors for Ethan and Isaac.

I hoped into the jeep with Stiles in the passengers side. Everyone took their cars and bikes and met us at Deaton's.

Stiles' POV

I was in a dark void.

Pulses of pain shooting through my body. I couldn't scream; no matter how hard I tried.

I felt another syringe and liquid enter my body and I woke up in a cold sweat. I was panting and sweating with Scott and Lydia on each side on me. Worry was all over their faces. Kira was next to Scott while Isaac and Ethan were standing next to Lydia. I glanced at the end of the examination table to see Chris and Deaton.

"What happen Scott," I finally managed to gasp out. It was Deaton who was the one to answer.

"You were injected with what looks to be like wolfs bane, but more deadly to werefoxes." Deaton described.

"Great, just what I need a new way for people to kill me." I commented dryly.

"It's good to know you haven't lost your charm." A person who I could only think of that could make a comment like deadpanned .

"Thanks sour wolf," I retorted.

There was an awkward moment of silence as we all just looked at each other.

"What was the stuff Stiles was injected with made out of," Isaac asked.

"I not entirely sure; I need to examine it more closely," Deaton elaborated as he was cleaning up his space.

"Then how did you cure Stiles if you don't know what was that stuff made out of?" Lydia inquired.

"I used the cure I made up for treating wolfs bane." Deaton explained.

"So now what? We got our a*s handed to us by that werefox pack," Ethan fumed.

"We can meet tomorrow at Derek's loft at 9pm to discuss this further, but right now we should just go home and get some sleep." Scott suggested.

" I'm good with that guys, see you tomorrow." Derek said and headed out the door.

"Be careful Stiles; this pack is ruthless by what other hunters say." And with that Argent departed.

" Glad your safe man, we'll see you guys at school," Isaac informed and him and Ethan left the clinic leaving Lydia, Kira, Scott, and me.

"I'm glad your ok Stiles,"Lydia coaxed out and she and Kira left. I need to talk to Lydia soon.

"Let's get you home buddy," Scott offered

"Thanks Deaton," I thanked and left with Scott.

I was reaching out for the door handle of the driver's side when Scott swatted my hand back.

"Your not driving,"Scott concluded.

"Come on man I fine," I argued. Scott gave me that 'You almost died; your not fine' look.

"I'm serious," I defended trying so badly to hide the smirk on my face.

"Ok bro," Scott gave up throwing his arms up in surrender.

I threw my head back and laughed. We hopped into my trusty jeep and were on the way home. The ride was comfortable quiet; I even forgot that I was being hunted and injected with a deadly poison only a little while ago.

"You sure your alright Stiles?" Scott asked as we pulled in front of his house.

"Yes I'm fine mom," I teased.

"Ok then, see you tomorrow," Scott and opened the door and headed into his house.

I drove to my house and I remembered that my dad was working the late shift so I quickly made a salad for dinner and put it in the refrigerator for him with a note and walked upstairs. I drooped onto my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.


A/N: Yay or Nay? I know its been a while since I updated but I will be updating now like once maybe twice a week from now on. Probably on the weekends so that's that. Please tell me what you guys think about this story so far and remember to R&R.

And HAPPY (LATE) THANKSGIVING!!! I don't know about you guys but I'm thankful for my readers and my friends including






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