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A/N: I thinks I'm going to make this chapter shorter than my past ones lately because it's like the teachers at my school just plan to give us homework on the same night then have test and quizzes the next day, so yeah........enough of me complaining about school. Remember Jeff Davis owns the characters sadly.


Chris' POV

I flipped through some of my family's' old books but I couldn't find anything on werefoxes besides what we already know. Nothing on their weakness, powers, or anything! I kept looking for another hour before I just couldn't take it anymore...

"Argggg," and I threw the 80 year old book across the room and hit the wall with a thud. There is nothing anywhere on werefoxes, it's like they don't even exist. I was about to give up when a light bulb went off when I saw a box hidden fulled with newer hunting books.

I filed through the books trying to find anything on werefoxes when I came across a journal. It belong to a John Winchester; I've heard of the name before, what hunter hasn't? He hunted every supernatural creature down in search for who killed his wife. I opened the journal to hopeful find anything that would help us.

"Oh my god" I whispered to myself at what I was reading, I sat down on a chair nearby and started to read EXACTLY what I've been looking for.

Stiles' POV

I was looking on the internet to see if there was anything I overlooked before but there is nothing on werefoxes. I heard my dad's car pull up in the driveway and completely forgot that he was coming home early.

"I'm home Stiles," I could hear my dad shout from downstairs.

"I'm up hear doing some homework," I shouted back. I could hear my dad's heavy footsteps; which was something I was getting use to.

"School homework or supernatural homework?" He asked from the door frame.

"Just looking up some stuff on werefoxes, you know, the usually." I replied looking away from my screen.

"Well I brought burgers home for dinner," He said holding up a bag.

"Nope. We're not eating that bag of grease, I made salads earlier." I smirked as I saw his smile falter.

"What would I do without you, son?" He joked.

"You would be too fat to even get in the door," I teased and we headed into the kitchen together. I laughed the whole time and had what felt like a normal night for the first time in a long time.

Scott's POV

I growled in frustration at the computer screen and was very close to throwing the keyboard across the room. Researching information wasn't really my job in the Pack but I need to help Stiles; he has always been there for me from the first time we met in the sandbox to my first full moon.

He deserves my help.

After about 10 minutes I couldn't take it and threw the first thing I could wrap my hands around and flung it across the room along with my frustration. When I finally took a deep breathe and calmed down I saw what I threw at the wall and was glad that my mom was taking the late shift at the hospital.

It was a picture frame of Stiles and I when we were 4 years old and just met. I still remember that day like it was yesterday...


I was 4 years old and playing in the sand box, my mom sitting on the bench reading a book. I was trying to build a sandcastle when a small kid with messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes was running but tripped over the ledge of the sandbox and fell. He started crying and my mom ran over to help him.

"Don't worry sweetie, it's OK." She reassured my soon to be brother. Then another lady came running towards Stiles and a man following close by.

"OH Stiles," She crouched down besides my mom and him.

"Are you OK?" The nice lady asked. He just lunged into her arms. After about 5 minutes of both of the adults comforting Stiles it was just him and I.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Scott," I introduced myself holding out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Stiles," He replied taking my hand. I could his mom talking to my mom and his dad taking out his camera, but I really didn't focus on any of that.

After that we made our parents drive us to that sandbox everyday and we played for hours. That was the beginning of a lifelong friendship and brotherhood.

************************************End of Flashback******************************************

Still Scott's POV

I inwardly laughed at myself to Stiles and how he really hasn't changed on bit. With the new found determination from that memory I sat back down at the computer after placing the photo in a safe place and started researching werefoxes again. This time though, I intended to help my brother.

Lydia's POV

I sat on my bed with everything laid out in front of me. Newspaper clippings, articles, websites, photos, and books. I had to help Stiles, he deserves better than this I thought. I tried to find anything on werefoxes but nothing except for everything we already know. I shuffled through some more papers until my eyes started to hurt, so I went into my bathroom to wash my face with water. When I came back out I just sat there for a moment to think about everything that has been going on. I gazed around my room when a picture I took of Stiles and I caught my eye. I walked over to my dresser and picked up the picture and stared. The picture was Stiles and I when we went ice skating; of course it was before the whole screaming fiasco on the ice. Stiles was there for me when I needed it most.

I wouldn't admit back then, but I need my Stiles Stilinski.


A/N: Please don't kill me because this took longer than expected. I was having a little bit of a writers block and finally figured it out. I also joined this AMAZING volleyball club, but the coach is crazy! Tue. and Thur. from 7-9 pm then Sat. from 8-10 am and Sun. from 12-2 pm. Alboustly crazy; add school on top of that so... yeah. I will try to update very very soon. Thank you for putting up with this story and essential me. Please R&R


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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