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A/N: I hope there are people enjoying this story as much as I am writing it. I'll get right to it; all characters belong to Jeff Davis (sadly) so here's the new chapter.


Stiles' POV

I woke up to something warm and fuzzy against my skin and the sun beaming through my window. I pulled myself up and then seconds later I heard footsteps and my dad entering my room.

"Hey kiddo how are you feeling?" I could tell my dad looked like he finally slept.

"Doing good," I told him; then I hear another set of footsteps and Scott standing in the doorway which my dad doesn't look fazed at all that he let himself in (I guess he and Melissa are use to use letting each other in).

"I'll let you two talk; I'll be at the station if you need me son." I nodded glad to see my dad and everything getting back to as normal as things can be in Beacon Hills.

"Ready to head to Deaton's Stiles?" Scott asked questioned while I started changing when something caught my eye.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw something I never had before. Abs. Freaking abs! I really never obsessed over my body; like I was surrounded by werewolfs who had bodies like freaking gods!

"Hey Stiles you ready to go?"

"Yeah Scotty I'm ready to go." Scott and I walked downstairs and I said bye to my dad and we hopped into my jeep.

Scott's POV

As we arrived at Deaton's I saw Lydia, Derek, and Ethan's bike in the parking lot. Everyone else was with Deaton in the back room as we entered.

"Hello Scott, Stiles how are you guys?"

"Were good Deaton just stop by for you to help us with Stiles." Deaton just nodded and gestured for Stiles to sit on the examine table.

"Any nightmares last night Stiles?" Deaton asked as he was looking in Stiles eyes (A/N:I don't know much about what doctors do so just go with it please)

"I slept like a baby last night" Stiles said with a slight laugh.

Derek's POV

As Deaton was "interrogating" Stiles I started thinking about what powers he might have now. Before he was just the human that we had to be careful when dealing with the supernatural; which is all the time around here. Now he is able to defend himself against the threats that we face.

"Hey Stiles do you know what powers you have?" I looked over my shoulders to see Isaac with a smile on his face and glad that I didn't have to ask the question because as Stiles puts it I'm a "sour wolf". After turning my head back to Stiles and Deaton they both were thinking about what powers could the hyper active spazz have? To my surprise it was Peter who spoke first,

"My guess would be that our little Stiles would be able to turn into a fox being that he is a were fox." I rolled my eyes thinking that was pretty obvious.

"Really Creepy I would have never thought that!" Stiles with his never ending sarcasm said. Peter just responded with one of those creepy eye stares.

"My guess would be that Stiles would have similar abilities like werewolves do." Deaton stated looking through an old book with odd markings on the cover.

Lydia's POV

I stood by Scott as Deaton looked over Stiles as my mind began to wander. I didn't want to mention this to the pack because I felt we had so much going on with the Nostigune, but I've been having nightmares. It was that one nightmare over and over again. It wasn't that bad it was just unnerving. I didn't want to say; or think it but it feels like a banshee prediction. The nightmare always ends the same. A fox is lying on the floor in the woods, it has several minor cuts but the one that's most alarming is the deep gash in it's side. I was startled by my thoughts when Scott whispered in my ear

"Lydia are you ok?" "Of course why wouldn't I be?" I retaliated. I see Stiles giving me that same look from last night.

"You kinda zoned out," Stiles said. "I'm fine; anything else we might know about Stiles' powers?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

Stiles knew what I meant and Deaton started to speak "Well it looks like along with strength, speed, and fast healing you can also create a meringue, plus you also won't go bloodthirsty on a full moon." Closing the book and looking at Stiles waiting for his reaction.

Stiles' POV

I'm pretty cool with all of this; I mean it's not like I'm new to the supernatural world. When Deaton told me my powers I just nodded taking it all in. I'm glad that I won't go berserk on a full moon but I don't like being supernatural. I don't know why it just seems so unnatural.

"Hey Stiles, do you want to see what you can do?" Scott asked seeing me questioning my new "foxness." "Sure" I said as we all thanked and said goodbye to Deaton and all drove over to the woods.

As we were walking through the woods I has this feeling that someone was following us but the rest of the Pack didn't seem to notice and hey, if four werewolves can't hear it then I'm probably just imagining it. But still.


A/N: Phew *wipes sweat off forehead* Longest chapter yet. I hope this story is going well so please correct or compliment or both on my story. I'll have another chapter up soon so please R&R.


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