Girl Troubles

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A/N: Don't really have an author's note except for all the characters belong to Jeff Davis. On with the story now.


Kira's POV

I couldn't believe what came out of Peter's mouth. I mean hasn't Stiles been through enough already? I ask myself. I didn't know him all that well but from the way Scott talks about him and how Lydia blushes (I mean no guy can really make Lydia blush) had to mean something right? I looked over at Stiles to see how he's doing. He didn't seem as fazed as I would in his position. Peter went to do his own creepy thing while Chris went home. Derek went over to talk to Scott, Isaac, and Ethan; no doubt about werewolf stuff. I peered over my shoulder thinking Lydia would be talking to Stiles but I guess she left because she didn't want to face Stiles; which I understand after what see told me.

I walked over to Stiles who didn't seem to notice until I was right in front of him."Hey Stiles, you doing alright?" I questioned. "Yeah, yeah; just found out an alpha pack wants me just after I was possessed by an evil fox spirit and then became supernatural. Just peachy." "Only you I could think of can be joking at a time like this." I pointed out. "So I've been told." Stiles laughed. I couldn't help but let out a giggle too. "Hey Kira can I ask you something?" Stiles stuttered the words out. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Do you know why Lydia has been distancing herself from me?" Stiles questioned. I thought about it for a second; I remember Lydia telling me she didn't think she could see Stiles hurt. She told me to keep this between us and I promised her. "You would have to ask her Stiles; just don't come to conclusions too quickly." I offered. "Thanks Kira your the best. I don't know what Scott did to deserve you." Stiles joked.

We both laughed about that, then Derek,Isaac,Ethan, and Scott came over to us. "What's so funny over here guys?" Scott interrogated looking between Stiles and I. "Nothing Bro, don't worry about it. Hey I think I'm going to hit the road see you guys at school tomorrow." Stiles grinned as he got his coat and keys. "Just be careful out there ok?" Scott pleaded. Stiles looked him right in the eyes "Don't worry mom I'll be fine," Stiles whined as he headed out the door. I could hear his jeep start up and pulled out. "I should probbaly head out to, see you guys at school." Ethan stated and went out the door. "Ok what was all about Kira." Scott asked. "Can't tell," I taunted. "Please Kira," Scott was pretty much begging now. "Nope," with the emphasis on the p. "Ok I give up. We should head out now." Scott acknowledged. "Yeah," I replied. "Bye Derek," Scott said as we headed out and zoomed off on Scott's bike.

"Bye Kira," Scott grinned as he dropped me off. My parents were already asleep so I tried to be as quiet as I could. I went up to my room and put my pj's on. I laid in bed and thought about the discussion we had at the pack meeting. Is the pack of werefoxes like me? I asked myself. Or are they more like Stiles and are more cunning and don't control electricity? Maybe I could ask Deaton tomorrow after school? Stiles could even come along with me considering it kinds involves both of us. I finally made up my mind I would ask Stiles if he wanted to come with me and as Deaton about the werefox pack tomorrow. With that out of the way I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Sorry about this chapter if it's a little crappy. Had a little bit of a writers block but really wanted to update soon. Tell me what you think and if there are any mistakes. Please R&R.


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