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A/N: I have a 3 day weekend so I'll see if I can update more chapters (if you want). I'm really glad with where this story is going and I hope you guys are too. So the chapter you guys rather be reading that my stupid author's note. Remember Jeff Davis owns Teen Wolf.


Stiles' POV

The day was going good so far just had to get through English and then lacrosse. I inwardly groaned not wanting to got to practice with this supernatural stuff going on; much less have to spend time with Coach. I met up with Lydia for English and we took our seats. English wasn't bad; all we had to do was write the most interesting thing that has happened to us and how it effected us.Bryan shouted as Miss. LuAnn was explaining the assignment was that she was the most interesting thing that has happen to him. Giggles erupted as students were waiting for Miss. LuAnn's reaction. Bryan was obviously sent to the office and is getting a counselor.

The bell rung meaning the end of the was over. Lydia and Kira were going to watch Ethan, Isaac, Scott and I practice just in case anything else were to go wrong. Hopefully nothing will.

We're in the locker room when Coach came in "Alright you princesses listen up. I need new people for lineup so get your a**s out on that field and show what you got; or I swear you'll be doing laps till your own stomach pukes. Got it?" Everyone from last year nodded vigorously know that Coach wasn't kidding.

"Oh great Scott, what if I shift or my eyes glow or I run too fast." I kept rambling on about everything that could go wrong before Scott interrupted.

"Ethan, Isaac, and I will make sure you don't do anything like that; don't worry Stiles." Scott stated with those puppy dog eyes. "Ok guys; ready to go ?" I taunted knowing that practice will pretty much be hell.

After about 18 laps around the filed my lungs weren't sting and I wasn't covered in sweat; but I knew I had to fake it or else Coach might get suspicious.

"Alright you sad miserable excuse for boys on the field; McCall in the net. Go!" Coach screamed. We all hustled onto the field; Scott in the net and Isaac first up. Of course no one scored with a werewolf in the net.

"If no one gets their ball in the net in 2 minutes I swear on my whiskey that you princess will be running until next week." Coach would never swear on his whiskey and not tell the truth so we had to step it up.

"Stilinski your up; if you don't make it remember what I said before." Coach with one of those weird cross eyed stare said. I shakily stepped up to the shooting line; I could hear the rest of the team groaning and getting ready to run. I turned to the bleachers to see Kira and Lydia; Lydia is giving me the thumbs up gave me a boost of confidence.

I brought my stick and I flung the ball with all my might. I saw Scott go for the ball and I thought I had to get ready to run then something amazing happen. The ball went right through the net of his stick and through the net of the goal.

"Holy sh*t! Stilinski! I don't know what you did over break; but whatever you did keep doing it or I swear I will make you wish you never see lacrosse again." Coach yelled. All I could do was nod with my jaw on the ground. Coach never compliments anyone. Ask Greenburg. "Good job Stiles," Isaac said coming up to me.

"You got to be careful," I turn to see Scott walking towards me with Lydia and Kira coming from the side.

"I know Scott I don't know what came over me." I said putting my gear in my bag.

"Maybe your fox came out?" Kira suggested. "Maybe. I don't know what came over me." I muttered. "Well everyone knows that foxes and wolfs don't get along very well." Lydia warned.

"Maybe we could head to Deaton's later?" Scott asked everyone. We all agreed to meet at Deaton's when he closes. As Scott and I got into my jeep I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Scott I really am sorry," I said not knowing what else to do. "Stiles don't worry about it. I just want to make sure that you ok." Scott replied.

"What about what Lydia said about foxes and wolfs?" I retorted.

"Well it's a good thing we're werefoxes and werewolfs." Scott said with an eyebrow raised.

"Best friends," I said with my hand out "Till the end," Scott finished taking my hand a doing our handshake.


A/N: I love doing Scott and Stiles moments. Tell me how this story is going and if there are any spelling or grammar or Teen Wolf mistakes. Please R&R


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